•Chapter 18•

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Mr. Jeon wanted to go have dinner with Taehyung and Jungkook. Why? Well because he wanted to check how his son was now.

Every time Mr.jeon used to take his son to an expensive restaurant the younger would find a way to f•ck it up just because he liked it.

Jungkook's dad wanted to check Jungkook's process. Was Taehyung doing a good job?

Mr. Jeon know this was one of the first things Jungkook learned so that's why he decided to go have dinner.

Taehyung himself was panicking. After the short discussion the two of them had, he was scared that Jungkook would f•ck it up on purpose.

Jungkook on the other side thought about the whole situation and had a plan. He knew that if he f•cked it up his dad maybe would search for someone else to do the job and he didn't want that so he wasn't going to f•ck it up.

He wasn't going to tell that to Taehyung though because he knew the older one was scared because of this reason. He did want to do something bad though. He just had to find a way so his dad wouldn't notice it but Taehyung would.

At the moment they all sat in the car. Music was playing softly. Mr.jeon was the one who was driving, Taehyung sat next to him and Jungkook sat in the back.

He was staring out of the window while he summed up all the rules he had learned from Taehyung when they were talking about going out for dinner.

His dad was going to check up his behavior so he needed to do everything perfectly. Luckily Jungkook did concentrate the second time Taehyung taught him.

Jungkook remembers almost everything of it.

When they got to the restaurant they all walked in and Jungkook walked faster to be the first like he has to be.

A woman sees them and walks to them. "With how many are you?" She asks politely. "Table for 3 please," Jungkook said friendly and just as polite as her and she nods.

Jungkook notices his dad looking at Taehyung with a surprised face. Jungkook grins before following the woman to their table. Jungkook keeps repeating the rules of having dinner in his head.

He doesn't want to make any mistake, making sure his dad would proud of him and would praise Taehyung.

They reach the table and Jungkook waits until the other two have taken a seat. This was also one of the rules. You need to let your guests choose a seat first. It's polite.

Jungkook is the last one to take a seat. He's sitting in front of Taehyung with his dad at his right. Nobody gets the time to say something because there comes a waiter giving everyone the menu.

After handing everyone the menu he asks if they already know what they want to drink. Normally Jungkook had already taken the drink with the most alcohol in it but not this time.

He took something with alcohol just like his dad and Taehyung because that is also polite but he did take something with a normal amount of alcohol in it.

The waiter leaves to come back not much later with their drinks. After taking their order he leaves again. Again Jungkook took something that wouldn't be too messy to eat so he would look like a dignified boy in his dad's eyes.

Taehyung and his dad are talking now about work or something because Jungkook hears the name of the company sometimes. He doesn't know what to say or do now but he doesn't take his phone because that isn't appropriate when you have dinner with your guests.

Even though it's just Taehyung and his dad, he knows he should do a good job if he doesn't want to get in trouble.

Well, Jungkook doesn't want to get in trouble with his dad but he actually doesn't care about Taehyung and that's why he has a plan. He starts pushing the tips of his shoes against Taehyung's and looks at the boy's face, searching for a reaction from the older boy.

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