•Chapter 10•

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The young and good-looking Jungkook walked out of the school building. He knew Jackson was running after him but he didn't slow down.

He really wanted to go to the company today. He wasn't sure if his dad saw the video already. The men of the security are the ones who watch the camera images and when something weird happens they come to show it to Jungkook's dad.

"Are you pissed off?" Jackson asks who finally caught up with Jungkook. "A little yes" Jungkook answers but he doesn't sound mad or anything. He is calm.

"I'm sorry for leaving you without telling," the oldest says but Jungkook shrugs it off. "It's alright, I'm honestly too enthusiast to care right now" Jungkook answers and Jackson smiles.

Jackson feels bad about leaving Jungkook without telling the boy anything. Well, he did text him but still. Jackson's attention was just occupied. He's feeling different lately and maybe he should tell Jungkook soon but just not yet.

They walk the company in silence. Jungkook checks Taehyung's office but that's empty what makes the younger smirk.

Is he already fired?

He turns to look at Jackson but he doesn't see him. The younger rolls his eyes. Where did that boy go again?

Jungkook just sighs and shakes his head in disappointment.

He walks to his dad's office and walks in again without knocking on the door. He looks at his dad who seems to be upset.

"I truly can't believe this- Jungkook what are you doing here?" he asks when he sees the younger. Jungkook looks at his dad and at Taehyung who is sitting in front of his dad's desk, head low.

"I went to Taehyung's office but he wasn't there so I came here" he explains and his dad nods. "Taehyung won't be your teacher anymore," his dad says and Jungkook needs to hold back a smile.

Taehyung's head jumps up though, looking at his boss in shock. "What?!" he asks but his boss shakes his head. "What you did isn't good. I gave you the responsibility for my son but you're just as bad as him" the old man says while Jungkook walks to the laptop, looking at the screen to see Taehyung with the girl on his desk.

Jungkook acts like he's surprised. "Ohh damn!! Taehyung, you did a great job!" he says and he puts his hand in the air to get a high five wrong Taehyung but his dad pushes his arm down.

"Sir, I swear I don't remember a thing about it! I think someone drugged me or something. Please you have to believe me" Taehyung gets up from the chair and starts begging Jungkook's dad what amuses the youngest in the room.

"This really went too far. Leave now please!" Jungkook's dad says and Taehyung listens, leaving Jungkook alone with his dad.

"Jungkook, I really don't get what went wrong. I thought Taehyung was so good" he says to his son who acts as he cares. "Maybe I'm not that bad right dad?" he asks but his dad rolls his eyes.

"I know I was wrong but don't act like you're perfect. Now leave my office, I'm tired of this right now" he says and Jungkook gladly leaves.

He jumps through the office happy that his plan worked out perfectly. He searches for Jackson but can't find him so he walks to Taehyung's empty office and texts Jackson to meet up with him there.

Jackson who receives the text looks down at the pretty boy in front of him. He actually doesn't want to leave but he let Jungkook down too much so he decides to go anyways.

"I need to go to Jungkook, he needs me," Jackson says and the other boy looks up to him. "You actually don't need to be here so you don't need to ask me permission" he answers and Jackson blushes.

😈Your Responsibility😈 - Vkookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن