• Inmates (Pt.3)

Start from the beginning

Choosing to ignore his mockery she huffed and sat down on the opposite end of the bench, as far away from him as possible.

"Hey, I didn't say you could sit down." He exclaimed.

"You don't own this bench, Arthur. Get over yourself."

Arthur's brow furrowed. "Maybe I was enjoying a moment alone and you're invading my personal space."

"Personal space?" She scoffed. "Really? You weren't complaining about your personal space when you kissed me."

"When I kissed you? Uh, if I remember correctly....you were the one who kissed me, princess."

She blushed. "You were more than happy to go along with it though."

"Perhaps I was just being polite. I'm a nice guy. I didn't want to hurt your feelings." He grinned crookedly.

"Hurt my feelings? Pfft. It was just a distraction." She said, rolling her eyes. "I only kissed you as a diversion tactic so you'd let go of that fucking razor blade!"

"Yeah I figured as much. Which is why I purposely kissed you back like I did."

(y/n) regarded him disdainfully. It was so hard to tell if he was telling the truth, lying for his own amusement, or lying because he was hoping to conceal the truth. The truth being that he actually just wanted to kiss her.

Perhaps there was only one way to find out.

"Okay." She said coolly, folding her arms. "So if I were to say.....meet me over by the orchard in two minutes....you wouldn't come?"

Arthur shrugged noncommittally. "I'd want to know why you were asking me. Why would you want to meet me there?"

Steadying the tremor in her voice, she said calmly. "Well it's pretty secluded over there. The guards only come by like every ten or fifteen minutes. There's a lot you can do in that time."

(y/n) watched him closely, gauging his reaction.

She saw the fleeting look of surprise cross his face, and then the flicker of...something, in his emerald gaze. His eyes seemed to become hooded. They darkened, making him appear almost predatory and feral. She could only assume it was a glimpse of that wild, untamed aura which lay barely suppressed beneath the surface.
Joker? Quite possibly. But all she could determine for certain was that she'd most definitely seen a glimmer of lust.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He asked eventually, feigning innocence.

Sliding a little closer, she deliberately rested her arm behind him along the back of the bench, as she twisted her body around to face him.

"Come on Arthur. You're a smart boy. I think you know what I'm getting at."

"Do I?"

She sighed. "Look, why don't we stop playing games and call a truce?"

His eyes snapped to hers, and to her surprise he now looked genuinely stunned. "A truce? Aha. Right. You're still trying to fuck with me aren't you (y/n)? Well it won't work. I'm not buying it."

"Fine. Don't believe me." She said airily, getting to her feet and stretching. "It's your loss if you choose not to come, and at least I'll know where I stand."

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