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Danny's POV
I landed in the backyard of my parents' house and walked in yawning. I just had to fight Ember, Skulker and then Technus...man am I tired. I dropped my book bag at the bottom of the stairs where I grab it every morning and went to the bathroom to shower.

What time is it? Jazz is probably asleep or out looking for me...if so, she'll be back soon then. My parents must be in the lab or out...no, something isn't right.

I got in the tub that is now filled with nice, comforting, warm water. I instantly relaxed and all the stress of the today washed off me like a wave. It felt like nothing in the world can bother me now. Nothing can make me move from the comfortness.

Once the water started to get cold, which I didn't mind, I got out while getting my towl from the rail and drying my body from the water. I grabbed my sweatpants and tank top I was wearing and quickly washed it.

Once it was clean I turned it intangible and it was nice and dry. I put it on and brished my teeth and washed my face with warm water and dried it. I took a nice big breath and let it out as I streched...I am going to sleep like baby tonight, that is forsure.

I placed my towl back on the rail and quickly went downstairs to grab a snack. I ate a dry piece of bread being lazy and all. I dusted myself off from the crumbs and went upstairs towards my bedroom door. I stopped. My eyed trailed down the hallway. I stared at the other two bedroom doors. I first looked at Jazz's room. I saw her sleeping figure under the sheets and just smiled. I saw her desk and saw her sticky notes and her pencil. I quickly wrote her a small note and placed it at her bed standstand. I looked at her and only saw her hair sticking out. Today is a little chilly with the cloudyness of today...when is it going to rain anyway?

I quickly snuck to my parents' room and also just saw their figure under the sheets. Okay, I'm in the clear! I closed the door softly not wanting to wake up my dad espeacially and waking up the whole town then.

I went to my room not wanting to make noise with the floor boards and eventually arrived at my room. I opened the door and went inside and let out a breathe when I closed the door. Now time to relax. I turned around and saw my regular old room. I just crashed on my bed and instantly fell asleep.

A few hours later


"Danny, time to wake up."

"Not now, Jazz. I'm tired."

"Don't let me get water!"

"Okay, jeez, fine!"

I woke up and saw my worst nightmare. I swallowed the spit in my mouth. I stared at the scene in front of me. My family and friends."Let them go! They're innocent!" I shouted."Oh, We're sure they are." The white cladded agent said.

"You can have me just let them live!" I shouted."Deal." Agent O said. He still pointed a gun at them. I got out of bed and held my hands up in the air."Danny! Don't do this! Fly away, please!" Mom shouted."Don't think about it!" Agent K shouted and aimed it directly next to her head."No! Stop! I'm right here! I'm not going anywhere!" I shouted. Agent O threw something at me and it exploded above my head.

I covered my face with my hands and I felt nothing for a moment. I looked at my wrist and saw handcuffs. It didn't nothing until Agent O pressed a button on a device that's on his wrist and it glowed green. I cried out in pain from the shock that went through my body. I landed on my knees and then screams.

I looked up and saw my sister and Tucker dead."No! Please stop! I won't escape! I won't escape!" I said. They shot my dad."Danny! Listen to me. We'll be fine. Just stay strong. We love you." Mom said."Mom..." I looked at my dad. I saw a tear escaping his eye. Soon they were flowing from me now. I crawled closer only for Agent K to switch of the safety of his gun and then shot my mom. The blood splattered all over me and...Sam."Sam...I..." I trailed off. "No wait! I have something to say!" Sam said but Agent K shot her before she could utter a word.

Book 2 PDS: Whatever It Takes-Batman, Percy Jackson & Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now