Chapter 35: The Consequences

Start from the beginning

"Who the hell are they!?"

"Why not!?"

You almost wanted to cringe and cover your poor ears at the sudden opinions. Even your doctor could not help but plug his ears with his pinky fingers as Present Mic and Principal Nezu tried to control everyone's wave of emotions.

Having enough of the noise, you grabbed the mic and yelled in your class president voice.


Most students were shaken at your sudden change of tone, but that did not stop your dear classmates to share their own opinions.

"Are you out of your mind (L/n)-san! Why would you not reveal them!?"

"I actually agree with this fucking nerd here!"

"(L/n)-san, please think over your decisions again!"

You glared to your classmates and let your quirk do the talk. You ignited flames around your eyelashes, indicating you were serious.


The three boys shrunk back to their seats with their lips closed tight. But you can still see the expressions they closely hang on tightly, trying not to lose themselves again. Your quirk added extra dramatic effect to your no laughing matter.

"Do I have to say it again? Or did you not hear me the first time? I said I will not reveal who they are."

Before you could continue, your doctor walked up next to you and whispered, "Please try not to use your quirk, you are still recovering."

You nodded, and with a blink, you diffused the flames around your eyes. You looked onwards again, and finally spotted one of the girls who have humiliated you. You watched her as she trembled under your gaze. You quickly looked away and stared at your classmates.

"I know my decisions as the representative of I-Island Academy may not be fair or does not linger any sort of justice. But I am not focused much on what has happened to me, but rather what has led this situation to even form."

That sent your classmates to snap back in shock.

"In my days in the hospital, I have acquired the rumours regarding I-Island Academy. It apparently worsened and resulted in my classmates fighting back some disgusting nicknames and statements that some of you have decided to utter. I think such gossip is one of the reasons why the people who have attacked me crossed their minds 'to teach me a lesson,'" you explained.

By now, more people squirmed under your gaze. You tried to keep it together by deeply breathing in and out. In the time of the hospital, you've watched and spent hours watching UA's surveillance cameras from the past week to see what they have done to your boys. It's quite sad that your classmates tried to hide it from you, but considering your health this past week, they probably could not help but hide it; worried you might slow down your recovery time.

"And that is why, I will take this chance and teach everyone here a lesson," you declared.

The screen behind you now changed to a list of classrooms:






You let everyone in the room see the list for a moment before continuing. "I may not reveal who they are specifically, but my attackers will face their consequences along with their classmates."

When you thought the students' first outburst was loud enough, the next one is on a whole other level. You could hear the rage, anger, and confusion the students shouted. You can only assume that the people who screamed were the people from the list of classes. You did not want to raise your voice again to shut them up, so you continued not caring if they heard your reason or not.

"During my assault, I was humiliated by my attackers spilling Lunch Rush's food on me. I would have thought of it as nothing and focused more on the injuries they have given me, but my food that day was given by my classmates. I hate the fact that it was wasted and my attackers had the audacity to dress me with food," you spat.

"And so, as the representative of I-Island Academy, these classes are suspended from eating Lunch Rush's cafeteria food while I-Island Academy is here in UA for the time being."

You internally smirked, quite satisfied with all the angry expressions you received with your statement. You even imagine the forming guilt your attackers must be feeling. Not everyone may see it, but this punishment is purposely made to be very vague for the girls to feel the lingering and forming guilt since their actions have also affected their classmates.

Your eyes wandered and saw relief or pitiful glazing the eyes of the students who did not receive the punishment. Most watched the students of the classes receiving the unfair consequences protest, wanting it to be changed or to be fair. But you weren't done yet, you had to teach them all a lesson. A lesson so unfair and realistic, that it will probably cause another outburst.

"Additionally, I want the class presidents of these classes to stand up from their seats."

Five students stood up at a slow pace shortly, and a spotlight lit above them.

"Class Presidents," you acknowledged. "Not only will you be suspended from eating Lunch Rush's food while I-Island Academy is here, but you are also obligated to do necessary lab clean-ups in the Department of Support Students after school for your lack of attention with your classmates' behaviour for the next fifteen days."

And with that, the students and some of the teachers gasped.

"What?" you blinked. "Aren't Class Presidents responsible for being the face of their respective class?"

More outburst and protests could be heard soon after your innocent questions, but you quickly shut them out, only hearing a muffled buzz ringing in your ears. And that's when you heard the predictable 'wait!' in the background.

You looked over to the distinct voice and watched as the spotlight lit above her. The girl wore Shiketsu High School's uniform and tears fell down her eyes. You noticed it was not because she is sad, but rather she cried in spite of anger and confusion.

"Why are you punishing all my classmates and class president!? Punish only me instead!" she bellowed.

Your body shivered in intensity as it turned cold. It's one of your attackers. You did not expect that. Not at all.

'No!' your mind immediately blurted.

Everyone around the girl turned quiet with shock, but in the corner where the I-Island students sat, you can hear knuckles cracking and a low growl produce. Suzu, Kai, and Axel instantaneously stood up from their seats facing the girl who attacked you. In that short moment, you saw the sizzling anger that they have bottled up suddenly pouring out like a dam that broke.

'Oh shit!'


A/N: Would you believe me that it took me 10 minutes debating with myself how to end this chapter? I could not find any other lines more fitting than 'oh sh*t' LOL (trust me I tried all possible lines). I personally don't swear, but it just fitted so well! Even my creativity could not replace this iconic line! ʘ ᴗʘ Anyways, how'd you like my take on the girls' punishment! I didn't want to be cliche so I went with something uncommon huehue

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