• His Name Was Carnival (Pt.3)

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"You have a positive influence on him." His doctor at Arkham explained, after one of your many visits. "I've observed a significant change in Arthur's behaviour and overall demeanour. Writing to you gives him a sense of purpose, and your visits and letters give him something to look forward to."

She paused, contemplating her next words carefully, and you waited anxiously, wondering if there'd be an inevitable "but".

"However, I would strongly advise that you proceed with caution. I've witnessed the development of your relationship and--"

"Wait, what?" You interjected, suddenly flustered. "We're just friends that's all. It's...it's nothing romantic."

The doctor stared at you, her deadpan expression hinting that she wasn't at all convinced. "Miss (y/l/n), whether you consider your closeness to Arthur romantic or not, you must be mindful that his feelings could run deeper. Which is why you need to be careful. He's emotionally fragile and if you unintentionally upset him I'm concerned there's a risk of him relapsing."


The meaning of the ugly word and the possibility of Arthur suffering a relapse dropped in your mind like a heavy stone, and you weren't equipped to bear the weight of it.
Unwanted visions flashed through your minds eye, memories of the Murray Franklin TV footage, and Arthur standing on the hood of that police car as Joker, chilled you to the bone.

He wouldn't revert again, would he? He wouldn't kill anyone. And he would never harm you, surely.

More to the point, the idea of Arthur developing romantic feelings for you seemed absurd. He was so much older, he'd known you as a child so he would never see you as a grown woman. Even his sweet gestures of holding your hand and hugging you were completely platonic.

In fact, the more you though about it the more saddened you became, which worried you quite a bit.
You couldn't understand why the reality of him never being attracted to you that way, bothered you like it did. And you didn't dare overanalyse what it could mean.

"I've got some great news princess." Arthur blurted excitedly on your next visit. "Can you believe I've been reassessed and the board has granted me day release privileges?"

Your stomach lurched with excitement, mostly on his behalf but also your own.
The idea of being able to spend a day with Arthur away from the hospital made your heart soar.

But such news ended up being headline news, quite literally.
Somehow word got out, an orderly at Arkham possibly leaking information to the press in order to make a quick buck, and it was front page news within a matter of days.

The public responded in the typical fashion to the article which deliberately provoked such a reaction.
The perceived threat of Joker being allowed the freedom to wander Gotham struck fear into people's hearts and minds.

"Have you heard the news?" Your mom asked, having specifically dropped by just to discuss the matter with you. "They're letting him out!"

As casually as you could, you gave a carefree shrug of the shoulders. "Only for the day. It's not such a big deal."

Naturally your mom was incensed. "Not a big deal? Need I remind you that this is the man who kept you awake at night for years, while I picked up the pieces....and now you think this is no big deal!"

Jðkêr//Är†hµr x RêåÐêr ïmågïñê§ & ðñê-§hð†§ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz