Bun-bun did not want to move at first, but my dad bought her a house and after she knew about it she also wanted to come to the city.

The funny thing was, she thought the house was a doll house, I still laugh when I remember her face the day we got to the 4 bedroom colonial style house, when my dad showed it to her she had such a happy expression that I was scare her face was going to split in two.

Then she asked me “Dammy can you make big clothes” I had looked at her with a puzzled look on my face, my family was the same, I asked her “Why?”

She answered me with a “The barbies in there are huge dammy, I will need big clothes for them, so you and grandma have to make some for me ok” I could not hold my laughter in anymore because the look on her face was serious, after I had sobered up a bit, I looked at my dad

“You see what you get daddy for telling a child you bought her a house, I should make you to do big clothes for her barbies” he just laugh and said,

“There is nothing too good for the prettiest baby and granddaughter in the world, she can have anything she wants” they spoil her so much, especially my dad, I have become the meter to stop their exaggerations from time to time.

My little pixie still got her barbie house and a tree house to go along with it, builded by her three uncles with her granddaddy and her as the directors of the orchestra, I just stayed out of it, my mom and I just sitting on the porch watching how a four year old had grown men wrap around her little finger.

You definitely don’t want to get between her and her lowly slaves as my mom and Jamie call my dad, my brothers and Gray, because if you do, you will come out with burns and blisters, but it is fun to see them all together.

I just make sure nothing goes too far and let me tell you that is tough when you have my family around.

Looking in the mirror, I watch her silently looking outside with her brows knotted up in concentration as if she is really thinking hard about something, those deep smokey gray eyes nearly burning holes into the windows of the car.

“Bun-bun, are you ok baby? Whats the matter?” I ask wanting to know what is bothering her, “Are you sad, that we did not stay at grandma and grandpa today?” I hope she is not wanting to go back because I really cannot face her father right now without loosing my cool.

She shakes her head, then turn and blast me with those beautiful eyes,

“No dammy, I know we will go back to gramma and grampa, but why did you slap that mister dammy? Did he hurt you? And Why does he have eyes like me?” at all her questions I am leave speechless for a moment.


I forgot all about the slap I gave him, I should have punched the bastard, but thankfully I did no more than a slap, I have to teach my baby girl that things don’t get resolve by violence, unfortunately her father deserved that slap and much more.

Keeping that to myself, I smile at her,

“I did not mean to slap him baby, its just that dammy was mad at something that happened a long time ago, but now I am all better and we will be going back to gramma and grampa later because uncle Xavi has a present for you remember” I said the last part wanting to get her attention from that bastard, hopefully it works.

“Uncle Xavi told me about the present, I ask him what it was, he say its a surprise” she smile wrapping her curls around her fingers, I slowly begin to relax, then she went at it again,

“But dammy why does that mister have eyes like me?” she just don’t want to let it go, but knowing her father I should not be surprise.

How can she be like him to this extend? Its like my DNA is completely wash out her and only his remain at times.

“Baby, lots of people have eyes alike, but I personally think that your eyes are a lot prettier, I always tell you that your the prettiest girl alive, so his eyes can never compare” I smile at her through the mirror praying that she lets it go now and not ask anymore questions until I have had time to think,

She smile at me through the mirror “Dammy you no answer me” my heart nearly leap out of my chest when she pause looking at me with a serious expression marring her face, how can she be so perceptive at this age? Its like she knows that I don’t want to talk about him, yet she still wants to know.

Thankfully before I can form an answer, she continue,

WILL YOU FORGIVE (ManxMan/MPreg.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora