God! It's been 5 freaking minutes and she still hasn't come. She was standing there and talking to every single person in the class. Everytime she took a step forward to come to the place, someone would stop her and talk to her.

She saw me and smiled and I would be lying if I said my heart didn't do that weird thing. I waved at her and motioned her to come fast and she smiled at me again giving a small nod. And there....I found myself staring at her, again.

Just as she was about to take a step forward to come back to the seat, I heard some jack ass call out her name and there you go, Diana turns to see who it was. Not only Diana, I stand up in my place to see who that jack ass was. I sure do know this guy but I wasn't able to remember his name.

Umm...Cobb, Cobi, Cobbler? Ughhh! Whatever it was and whoever he was, I so wanted to know what they were talking about because Diana was giggling so hard that she was covering her mouth with her hands.

Eh, Diana....don't do that. You look cute while giggling. Okay, Edward. Time to ask the brain to shut up.

I was still looking at them and just looking at how much Diana was giggling. She sure did look really cute and the way her frinches would fall on her face and she would tuck them under her ear, only to fall on her face again.

"Hey Edward !" Someone called out to me

I turn to my right to see who it was. It was Angelo Hugston.

"Hey man, Gelo! Long time, eh" I get up and hug him

"Huh uh !" He fist- bumps "How you, mate ?"

"I'm cool! What's up with you ?" I ask while I take a quick glance at Diana and still see her with that Cobbler or 'whoever' kid.

"Nothing much. I've been feeling really sleepy. I swear to god man, took a whole nine hours sleep and I'm still sleepy." Angelo says and it makes me chuckle

"Lad, that's me, every single day." I reply

"Saw the match last night?" He asks me and I get back to looking at Diana with the Cobbler who is now showing her something on his phone and I could see from where I was sitting that both their arms were touching each other.

"Edward?" Angelo shakes my shoulder


"For the third time, did you watch the match last night?" He asks me

"Oh...yes! Mate ! That was a freaking ending ! Did you see the way the ball was shot!" I say excitingly

"Oh damn ! Tell me about it! I was so close to throwing my phone and smashing the television. I was seriously counting on losing yesterday. But damn...David sure has some pure magic !" Angelo exclaims

"Oh true!" I say and look at Diana who is still talking to Cobbler. I mean who the actual heck is he?

"Who you looking at?" Angelo questions

I quickly look back at him and Angelo looks at me with a raising eye brow.

"You?" I laugh

"This whole time? Nah... You've been listening and talking to me but you're eyes weren't." Angelo says

"Eh! I swear bro!" I laugh and could actually relate to what he was saying as it was true. Diana was who I was looking at.

"Huh huh ! Don't lie to me boy! Tell me who was it ?" Angelo smirks

"Who would it be Angelo? My girlfriend's gonna whoop my ass if I lay my eyes on another girl." I laugh

"But...I never said it was girl ? So it was a girl ! Who? Tell me !" Angelo gives me that evil smile

Okay, just realised that laying my eyes on another girl was exactly what I was doing.

"I have a girlfriend, Angelo!" I make a point

"Your girlfriend? Oh....yes ! Julia !" Angelo comments

The final bell for the next class to start rings and Angelo goes back to his place after giving me one of his bro hugs and that's when I see Diana Fernaux coming back to the place.

"Oh....never thought you would see this side of the world again." I comment

"Oh....never knew I would have to see you on this side of the world. Or else I would have stayed on that side of the world." She replied.

Diana defines sassy!

"Yeah sure ! Why would you come here when all your lover boys' are there ?" I question her and to this she wrinkles her forehead and looks at me

"Lover boys ?" She repeats and she throws out her hand where her palm faces upwards. You know like that emoji

"Oh yeah! Lover boys! Not to forget, Cobbler!" I fold my arms across my chest.

I immediately notice Diana gaze shift towards my arms, basically my biceps. But she looks at me real quick again.

"Cobbler ?" She looks at me surprisingly

"Yeah! That guy over there." I stretch out my hand and motion to the same guy Diana was speaking to and giggling with.

Diana looks at the guy and she smiles. So now, even the sight of him brings a smile on her face!

"You mean Caleb?" She smiles and later chuckles

"Yeah, whatever. Caleb...Cobbler...same thing." I murmur

"Its not the same thing, Ed" she deadpans

The uninterested look on her face was so funny that her eyes looked like she got up from her sleep. But the only thing I was focusing on was how she called me "Ed''. It made me stop and look at her. Every single time she says 'Ed', there's some special effect in my body that makes me want to stop and look at her.

"So you said Cobbler and Caleb is the same thing, so how about I call you 'rubbish'?" She smirks and man, those dimples.

"Why would you call me rubbish?" I'm confused

"Edward and rubbish, same thing, isn't it." She smirks again but this time she raises her left eye brow as she makes her point.

"Fine! Caleb, it is!" I roll my eyes but smile immediately as I show Diana giggle

Never knew she could make me roll my eyes and smile immediately. Damn, even Julia doesn't have this effect on me.

The professor enters and starts the attendance and as soon as Diana's and mine are called out, Diana turns to me

"Don't forget SCB classes today in room 19."

"They changed the class?" I ask as I take out my books from the bag

"Why ? You wanted it next to a rubbish can ?" She smirks and looks at me

I had no words and I just kept staring at her and before she could catch me, I looked away smiling like a fool.

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