"Yeah, there's no way I'm leaving you in this mess," Tiara said shaking her head. "The last time I left you to something mysterious, it ended up with you in a different world," she added and Grey wanted to say something about it not being his fault, but he knew his sister wouldn't listen, so he kept it to himself.

The Abyss Watcher then turned to his lover, who gave him a smirk. "The last time we got separated, you ended up missing, so I'm not going to make that mistake again," what she said caused him to smile and shake his head. He found it both touching and cute actually.

With that, Grey, Ahri, Ezreal, Solas, and Tiara went towards Grey's room. Hoping to get some answers. "Don't touch my stuff!" Nidalee cried out to them, reminding them that it was her room as well.

"Well, their gone now," Lux pointed out before smirking to the others. "So, who wants to hear about my last match against Ezreal?" she asked, making sure that said boy was out of earshot.

After a while of walking, the group of five has reached Grey's room and got in. Afterward, they all got in and Grey sat on the couch with everyone looking at him. "So… how do I exactly do this?" the Abyss Watcher asked looking at Solas.

However, it was Ahri who answered. "Just use the Soul's power and let it guide you," everyone looked at her curiously, wondering how she knew what to do. "My magic is all about the past of souls, remember?" she reminded them, creating an orb of magic before making it vanish.

Everyone accepted the answer and turned back to the Abyss Watcher. Grey sighed and relaxed his body before it seemingly went limb. Everyone stayed quiet and stared at what was happening.

Suddenly, a screech was heard throughout the room. Grey's body started letting out some black smoke. The Abyss Watcher raised his head, his body twitching like his bones were being snapped and opened his eyes to reveal them being completely black. "Son… of Gwyn," what came out from his lips was a cold and dark voice.

It only took a total of two seconds for the Sun's First Born to know who was speaking. "Nito."

"The Gravelord?" Tiara asked in shock, Ahri and Ezreal were equally shocked.

The Gravelord gave a cruel smile, one the others agreed that it doesn't belong on Grey's face. "How… does exile feel?" he asked sarcastically.

That question was enough for Solas to realize that, despite thousands of years passing and that his soul was in another body, Nito has not changed a bit. "What are you doing in his body, Nito?" Solas asked getting straight to the point.

Nito's smile didn't falter as his neck snapped to the side. "You… really don't know?" he asked, obviously amused at how they didn't know.

The Sun's First Born narrowed his eyes. From Nito's reply, the answer should be ridiculously obvious, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Listen here, bonehead!" Tiara, much to Solas' shock walked in front of the Gravelord. "What the f*ck are you doing inside my brother?" Nito's responded to Tiara's threats by laughing. "What's so funny!?"

Nito's neck snapped in another direction, causing Ahri and Ezreal to cringe at the way it moved. Tiara and Solas weren't very disturbed, they had seen worse. "How…pathetic," he said causing everyone to look at him curiously. "Why… would I… answer the questions… of a reject… from the Gods descendants?" Tiara glared at her currently possessed brother, while Ezreal and Ahri were curious as to why he called her a 'reject'. "I have… existed… from a time before the fires were made… and you think you… can order… me?" he asked, making it known that he doesn't of anyone as more than insects.

Abyss watcher in the league V2 Where stories live. Discover now