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Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to quickly mention that I know its been a long time seen I have published or updated any stories at all! and its been looking a little inactive over here and heres why :

i have truly and honestly been busy with my life, with studies and other life circumstances that have impacted my life on another level and im still finding my way around writing again!

I miss you all, and i miss writing! but most importantly, i have started a whole new account, a fresh start please make sure to follow and check out upcoming books here: @CipherWritesx

I have a whole new exciting book in the works and i seriously cannot wait to share it you guys! And this one is inspired by Anna Todd, I know what you're thinking its probably going to be another fan fiction or a copy of hers just in different words, i can assure you it wont be. But it will involve a bad boy, ill say that much - its the only thing im current good at expressing into the book

BUT i cant wait to see you there! please show lots of love and send anyone you can that way! There will be a comment in a short while on this update at the bottom to help you find me easily 

ill catch you guys there x

Twitter: CWritesx

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