Chapter Twelve:-

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I guess it was true when people say 'Time flies by fast' I never thought it intended to be this quick, neither did i think i would still be holding onto a strong relationship with the Bad Boy for almost a year. Each day felt like four hours long now, i never really get to see the sun as much now that it gets dark quick here. But, each day has something new to be looking forwards to, something that will be in mind for eternity.

"Abby?" Josh says walking into the room we shared. "Oh come on! You're still studying!" he exclaims and sighing midway.

"Hey, At least i want to get somewhere in life" I state spinning around in my chair to face Josh.

Josh was a person who never put a shirt on when he was at home, a boy who walked around shirtless non-stop - just to prove a point that he had six abs that were well toned and defined. He's been working out a lot now, which was kinda new to both of us, but it made him look even more hot than usual.

"You promised me a game of GTA!" He whined walking over and falling backwards onto the bed and sighing out loudly.

"Give me like five more minutes then" I replied holding up five fingers in the air and then spinning back around to continue working.

"Can you not be a smart ass for once?" Josh says

"Can you not be so needy?" I replied tapping my pen on the book forgetting what i was thinking before i was interrupted by the ever so rude Josh.

"Abby!" He moaned making grunting sounds.

Maybe he was right, I've been spending most of my time cooped up in this room at my desk revising all day long for the past month. As i turned around in my seat, Josh was now sat on the floor crossed legged looking up at me with a pouting face. Man - that looked ever so adorable.

"Fine! I guess it won't hurt to play a game of GTA with Joshie" I said teasingly getting up and tussling Josh's hair and walking down to the gaming room.

It appears that i wasn't at all bad at gaming at all, i thought i had nothing against Josh in video games, but who knew i was a gamer deep inside of me - i remember a year after mum separated from dad, she said he had always been into gaming and the only time he gave up on gaming was that he wanted to help mum raise me up. It's been a rough and bumpy road for me for the past 6 years not seeing him a lot, but i'm glad i still have him. Now, i have someone who is a gamer that i live with, just sitting in between his laps as we game just made it more easier for me to see his tactics.

"Why are you so good at this?" Josh asks

"Ask my bloodstream" I replied smirking

"Wait, liquid blood know how to game? That's sick" Josh exclaims with excitement

"Really?" I questioned looking at Josh and laying the controller on his lap.

"I'm only joking, come on you really think i'm thick?" He replies and there was complete silence for a while until we both broke into laughter. "Okay, i have to admit that's partly true" he adds.

"I swear, it my future has anything to do with my kids being like you - i'm stuck with a bunch of monkey's" I joked getting up to turn off the Xbox manually before it overheats as we played all night.

"I'm totally against that, our kids will be smart" He states

"I wonder why you say that" I replied smiling

"Smart people are attractive okay" He answers throwing his hands in the air as if he was surrendering in defeat. "About kids..."

"I'm ready whenever you are" I replied almost instantly and began to see his face lighten up

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