Green Fire

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It was January 19th, Erlik was with Baal at the moment, watching the yellow and red sky in the town of Salem, full of witches mainly. Unlike sinners, witches were actually allowed outside of chambers if they helped demons on earth. Erlik wore a solid black cloak. A demon approached them suddenly and grinned, his suit was green and he had green and black hair. His name was Jinuz. He grinned at Erlik and Baal. "Hello there you two. Wonderful weather today, huh?" The demon chuckled. "What the fuck do you want?" Baal asked. "I want your help with something." Jinuz replied with a smirk. "With what?" The two other demons asked. "I want access to the prison!" Jinuz said. The two led him there, Erlik slightly concerned as he walked in. "Do you even know that demon?" Baal asked. "Yes, I do indeed.  He's a trouble maker. The demon once tried taking over Lucifer's throne but was easily stopped." Erlik responded. "Wouldn't he be in fucking jail or some shit? I mean as in, back then. Why didn't Lucifer kill him?" Baal asked with a head tilt. "The angel of light humiliated him in front of billions of demons, he was also busy at the time. Heaven nor Hell likes him." Erlik said. Inside the jail, Jinuz walked over to Ink's cell after taking out some guards. He then stuffed the ink demon into a jar made from him before teleporting away.

The End.

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