A Devilish Intention

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A couple days passed, now being January 8th. Myers smiled at Mara as they were sitting on a bench. "You know, I really love you, Mara, and I will never stop loving you." He said. The boy then pulled out a black and red ring, causing Mara's face to light up. Mara was a demon with a dark pink dress on, her hair being blonde while having horns and blue eyes. Ghristopher suddenly approached the two. Myers looked at him with dread inside him. The evil man didn't attack though, he just stared down at the boy with a smile. "You aren't going to attack me or anything?" Myers asked. Ghristopher chuckled a bit and shook his head. "Not anymore. I heard the good news of something else to kill, finally being a challenge! Oh yes, to watch the greens of Mother Nature burn and crumble will be my destiny." He said. Mara tilted her head a little. "Who's this?" She asked Myers. "A fucking no good cunt." Myers replied. Ghristopher just walked off after that and sailed for a plan to kill Mother Nature.

The End.

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