He's Goat A Job

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It was January 14th, Zygoat was walking down to a small town in Hell called Serpentineville. The demons around it backed up a little as he approached Alastor, he was a lot taller than him, and yet it didn't intimidate him. "Higher ranking demons are unable to kill eachother, yet I only seek to hurt you badly for what you've done." Zygoat said. "What was it that angered you?" Alastor asked. "You have slaughtered a nearby village called Lava Layers, and for that I shall kick your ass!" Zygoat growled back. Alastor grinned under his dark red mask and got into a fighting position. Zygoat threw the first punch, launching Alastor into a house, thousands of demons were now starting to panic, some of them watching. Alastor chuckled and got up from the ground, pulling out his deadly cleaver and slashing Zygoat's chest as soon as the demon charged him. Zygoat grunted, about to kick Alastor, he missed him and received an uppercut, causing him to go midair. Alastor then kicked the large demon towards a wall, making it crumble onto him. "You had enough?!" He asked. Zygoat puffed smoke from his nostrils and created a large fireball to throw at Alastor, it struck him in the face and he backed up. "You fucking son of a bitch!" The demon yelled. Alastor tried striking Zygoat with his cleaver, missing him as the goat ducked and released an ultra painful uppercut. It sent Alastor into the air, Zygoat then flew up to him and impaled him with his horns before throwing him to the ground. Sin watched them in amusement, along with Reficul. "Do you think Lucifer or Belial would approve of this?" Sin asked. Reficul chuckled demonically and shook his head. Alastor grinned from under his mask, teleporting behind Zygoat and slashing him a bunch of times in the back of the head and his legs. Zygoat finally stopped the fight with a large burst of hellfire crashing down on the village. It managed to destroy all of it, leaving all ten thousand villagers dead, except for the high ranked demons. Reficul wasn't even phased, neither was Sin. "You fucking idiot! You killed half the demons in the god damn village you cunt!" Alastor yelled. "I have no care for them." Zygoat replied. The two walked off in anger, not wanting to destroy too much.

The End.

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