Hitman Vs Hunter

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Quill finally decided to search for Myers, he was in the city of Vulture City, it was in a hot desert within Hell with demonic vultures on every mountain. Ghristopher suddenly arrived as well, many western demons going into fear from the evil presence. A demon in a black and red cowboy outfit suddenly stepped up to Ghristopher. He held a black and red revolver, pointing it at the man. "I'm not afraid of you whatsoever." The demon said. Ghristopher chuckled and grinned at him. "Oh you aren't?" He asked. The man then turned into a very nightmarish form, his eyes turning pitch black and his jaw unhinging slowly. Black and red colored tentacles came out of his back with spikes all over them. The cowboy demon wasn't afraid one bit. "My name's Gan, bitch." He said. Ghristopher turned back to his original form and tilted his head, still keeping a smile on his face. "What a brave little cunt you are." He replied. Quill watched this. The cowboy suddenly unloaded a bunch of bullets into the demonic man, each one exploding into his body. Ghristopher was barely even damaged. The holes quickly healed up and he scratched the demon, slicing his throat out. Quill was surprised by this and he decided to swoop in. "Oh? An angel of death?" Ghristopher chuckled. Other demons backed away and just watched them both. Quill approached Ghristopher and suddenly shot at him with his black laser, piercing through his chest. The man looked down and laughed it off. "Nice try." He said with a smirk. Ghristopher held his hand up and Quill began to be levitated. The fallen angel tried shooting again but was thrown straight through a building. The man walked off, Quill remaining alive.

The End.

Demonology 666जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें