Knock Knock

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February 15th arrived and Myers was in his home sitting on the couch. A knock suddenly came and he could see a tall black fallen angel at the door, just waiting. "Mara, who the fuck is that?" He asked. "I don't know, but hide please. He seems like a legit edge lord or something." Mara whispered. Myers quickly ran upstairs and hid under a bed while Mara slowly opened the door. "What may I do for you, kind sir?" She asked with an innocent smile. "I am in search of a boy named Myers." Quill said. "He doesn't live here." Mara replied. "Bullshit, I know he does, I know a lot about my targets." Quill said angrily. "I think you should leave, you are quite rude honestly, fucking edgy ass avian worm fucker." Mara responded. Her smile turned into a cute little frown before she tried closing the door, Quill stopped it with his talons. "I don't think so, honey. Where is he?" He asked once again. "I told you already, he isn't here." Mara said. "I'm giving you a few more chances to let me in before I force myself upon you." Quill growled. "Fucking hell, watch your wording. You sound like a god damn rapist! Now leave or I will call Satan over, he will fuck you up!" Mara shouted. "Fine, but when I fucking find him, I will send you his remains and make sure of it." Quill said before backing up. "That's right, fly away pussy, fly away! Fucking asshole avian piece of fucking shit ass water fucker." Mara replied, she slammed the door. "What the hell did she just call me?" Quill asked himself. He finally flew away and Myers came out of hiding. "What was that?" The boy asked. "Nothing, just some stupid ass bird that hit the window." Mara answered. Myers smiled at her and leaned in for a kiss. "You know, you are so cute when ya get angry." He chuckled. Mara giggled and kissed him immediately. Ghristopher was back at his own home, a black and red gothic looking castle with Dracula. "You know that one cunt, Myers?" Ghristopher asked. "What about him?" Dracula replied. "I want you to fucking kill him. He pisses me off a lot. Just suck his blood." Ghristopher said. "What if I suck his dick instead?" Dracula chuckled. "Fuck off with that gay shit." Ghristopher said. Dracula did as he was told, showing up to the house of Myers and knocking on the door. "Aw hell nah, is he back again?" Myers asked. "Fucking hell, I think so." Mara said. She got to the door and opened it to see Dracula instead. "Oh?" The demoness said. "Good morning dear. Is Myers home?" He asked. Myers went into hiding again. After that, Mara just kicked him right the fuck out of their property.

The End.

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