Satan's Number 6 Fan

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It was January 2nd, Satan heard a knock at his door and got up to go to it, he then opened and cocked his head. Ghristopher stood firm with a smile on his face. "Good evening, Satan!" He said. "What do you want?" Satan asked. Ghristopher then chuckled and grabbed his hand, shaking it wildly. "I am your biggest worshipper and it's an honor to finally meet you!" He replied. Satan seemed creeped out. "Oh, nice to know." He said. Ghristopher walked right into the home, going to a random painting and smiling widely at it. "How amazing it is to see my idol fucking another demon! Simply beautiful!" The man chuckled. It was of Satan doing a devil's triangle with Lilith. "I was very, very surprised that there were more devils and such than you!" Ghristopher said. Satan walked over to him and he coughed a little for Ghristopher's attention. "Why are you in my home? I have a lot of work to deal with." The devil replied. A couple imps appeared at the door, blue skinned demons with wings. They knocked hard on the door and demanded for Ghristopher. "Why do they want you?" Satan asked. "Don't worry about it, I will take care of them." Ghristopher answered with a little laughter. He walked over to the door and opened it with a smug look on his face. "You're under arrest, Christopher!" One of the three imps said. That got Ghristopher to stop smiling, now with a face of hate. "It's fucking Ghristopher you fucking smurfs!" He yelled, the man then blasted some black fire out of his hands and the imps burned immediately. Ghristopher had an evil smile now. "Well then, I must be going. I have some important sport to do." He said with a normal smile, he left after that and closed the door behind him.

The End.

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