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Hell has been filled with demons from every religion and belief as they all built civilization like humans did. AntiChristmas was over as the demons were in towns, cities, and all that. Fluffy was walking down the street of Hell's town known as Los Demoness, city of sinners. The demons were here because of their biggest rampage on humanity. The demons were casted in Hell by the angels and gods. Fluffy looked at one corner as he tilted his head. Slasher was there, he was washing something. Fluffy then walked over to the corner and looked at Slasher.

Fluffy: What in Lucifer's name are you doing here?

Slasher squealed as he dropped the soap he was holding. He frowned and turned to Fluffy.

Slasher: None of your god damn business you piece of shit, now I have to get my soap back, you better not butt fuck me or some shit.

Fluffy chuckled a little as his other face growled. Slasher picked it up quickly as he held his cane.

Slasher: Thank fuck.

Fluffy then looked down at the thing he was washing. It was some type of device.

Fluffy: Haven't you learned that water is bad for electrical devices?

Slasher: Fuck you, it is only bad for human technology. Not demon technology though.

Fluffy shrugged and walked out of the corner as someone approached him. It was Samhain.

Samhain: Filthy fucking deer.

Fluffy: Say that to my face!

Samhain: Which one?

Fluffy's other face growled and he quickly punched Samhain. Samhain then kicked him off as he chuckled a little.

Samhain: Trust me, you don't want to be tricked again by me. You will regret it!

Fluffy: I will have you- Wait, did you call me a deer? You are such a dumbass aren't you!?

Samhain: Oh yeah that is right, you are a harmless fucking teddy bear!

He suddenly turned into a giant spider. Fluffy looked up at him, he shivered in complete fear. Samhain turned back to his original form suddenly.

Samhain: You know, I would use my death touch, but if I do, they will kill me. So be lucky you aren't guarded.

Fluffy mumbled as Samhain walked away. He then went into one of the torture chambers as a pedophile was screaming in agony. Fluffy's other face smirked as he then closed the door. Meanwhile, Lux was at a bar. He sighed, looking at the beer bottles infront of him. He rubbed his eyes for a second and looked down at his watch. He was late for work as he screamed a little and grabbed his briefcase. He ran to the torture chambers and saw Lucifer there.

Lux: I am so sorry sir, this won't happen again.

Lucifer: It better not, or else you are fired, got that?

Lucifer then walked away from his view, Lux looked at the buttons.

Lux: Fire, or frost bite for this cunt?

Lux grinned and pressed the fire button as the sinner within the chamber screamed in pain.

Lux: How is that for you, sweetie?

He would always talk in a charming voice, sounding almost sexual as well or flirty. He watched the flames rise upon the sinner as he laughed a little.

Lux: Some say I am a sociopath, but I am just evil. Like every other demon, we aren't humans.

He would always say this to himself when he tortured people. After work, he went home and started to lay down. His suit was never able to get hair on it, despite being black. It would also never be ruined. Lux suddenly looked up at his ceiling as he drank some blood. He licked his lips.

The End.

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