Part 25

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Zayn's POV

I was driving for about an hour before I got a call from Liam telling me to drive back to Maura's because he really needed to talk to me.

I just pulled up in Maura's driveway when the front door burst open and stood their was Liam. I quickly turned off the engine and stepped out of the car.

"Liam, what was so fucking important that I.."

"Shut the fuck up and listen." Liam slightly yelled. "The dude, that harry described.."

"What about him?" I said with anticipation.

"Let me finish and you will know." He slightly growled.

"Harry said the dude looked creepy, had a weird moustache, black short hair, possibly curly and was about 5ft 7 and wore a black jacket?! Now tell me this Zayn, does it sound familiar to you?" Liam asked.

"Not really if I'm honest. What the fuck are you getting at Liam. Spit it out." I growled impatiently.

"Remember the night Niall almost got.." Liam trailed off, I knew he was talking about the night Niall almost got .. raped.

"What about it?"

"The dude that you punched the living shit out of? He fits that description perfectly." Liam whispered in slight fear.

"Holy shit. Do you think that dude has been following him?"

"I don't know, its most likely what's been happening.. I don't know what to do though. Should we phone the police and tell them the guy that he tried to do that to Niall and the guy that kidnapped him might be the same person?" He asked, worried.

"Maybe we should tell Maura and see?" My eyes were filling with tears but I wouldn't let them out.

"Ok. You know Zayn, we are going to find him. I promise." I nodded in response.


After telling Maura what we knew, she phoned the police and informed them off what we knew. They couldn't really tell us anything and that just made me even more worried.

"Look, I can't sit here and wait. I need to go out." I spoke up.

"Hold on, Z. I'm coming too." Liam said.

We left Maura's and Liam drove us about for about ten minutes. Liam suddenly skidded to a stop, just starring out the window in shock and slight fear. I turned around to see what he was starring at and that's when I saw him.

That man from the club, the guy who has my Niall. He was just standing there outside an abandoned building. He was talking to some man as if he wasn't in the process of a kidnap. The two men shook hands and parted ways. The one I didn't recognise got in a car and left, the other.. The bastard walked back into the building.

"I'll fucking kill him. Niall must be in there!" I growled, opeing the car door. I stopped feeling Liam's hand around my arm.

"Dude we can't just go barging in. What if Niall isn't there and he figures out we are on to him and flees and we never catch him again. Come on be smart about this, we need to inform the police we have spotted him and they can watch him, keep track off him and they'll bring Nialler home." Liam reasoned.

"Liam. I cannot just sit here if there's a possibility Niall is in there!" I yelled.

"Exactly, it's a possibility! What if you go in there and Naill's not there huh?" What if the guy sees you and knows we've found him? What are YOU going to do if YOU ruin any possibility of ever finding Niall?" Liam snapped.

Let me love you (boyxboy) (Ziall) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang