Part 3

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Niall's P.OV.

The guy was pushing me towards the back exit while he held me tightly, he wouldn't loosen his grip on me at all.

For a drunk guy, he seemed very balanced. I tried everything to get away from him. He spun me around, making me face him.

He started kissing my jawline while pushing me up against the wall beside the back door. He was running his hands all over me.

I tried to wiggle out of his hold but he held me tighter.

I was creeped out so much. I just wanted to run away.

This guy pure reeks of alcohol. Why won't he just let me go? I don't want this!

"Let go!" I pleaded

"Now, why would I do that?"

"You sicken me!"

He chuckled, his voice deep. "Take off your top"


"Come on. Don't be like that baby, we could have so much fun."

My stomach twisted with disgust. I tried pushing him off me, harder this time but he still wouldn't budge.

He was too strong.

Oh my god! I'm going to be raped aren't I! No I don't want this guy to take my innocence. He disgusts me. I tried to get out of his hold again but he tightened his grip on me

"Stay still!" He slurred.

"Get off me! Please!" I cried.

"Sorry little boy. If you weren't dancing like that then this wouldn't be happening. Its your own fault!"

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I shut them tightly as his hands roamed all over my body.

He slipped his hands under my shirt and started feeling from my stomach to my nipples then back to my stomach, suddenly he slipped his fingers in side the hem of my boxers.

I tried pushing him away again, I got his hands off me but before I could move, he was pressed tightly against me. Pushing me hard into the wall behind us.

He growled at me and I immediately stiffened. He started to kiss down my neck then across my jawline.

I whimpered.

"Please?! Stop?! Get off of me, just let me go! I don't want this!" I cried.

Suddenly there was no lips against my neck, no hands on my chest and no wall pressing hard into my back.

I opened my eyes to see Zayn and Liam in front of me, between the guy and I.


I know it's a really short chapter.


This chapter is basically a filler. I have most of the next couple chapters wrote. So I hope you all like this story and keep reading it.

Please vote, comment, share and all that. Yeah!

Anyone liking the story so far, I don't know if it's good enough? Can someone please take the time to tell me whether I should keep writing, thanks?! :D


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