Part 26

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Liam's POV.

The sound of the gunshot silenced us all, no birds could be heard, as if all life had gone from the world. There was no wind, nothing, the night lay completely still, for what felt like hours but was barely a few moments.

Then, the sound of a thousand footsteps were heard as the police sprinted into this old abandoned place. I ran with them as fast as my legs could carry me.

Nothing in life would ever have prepared me for what I was about to see. I saw his blood across the floor. He was unconscious and bleeding, it wasn't something I would ever want to see. I wish I never even seen this. It was too much.

Niall's POV
I woke up on a hard lumpy mattress, hoping yesterday was all a dream.

Praying some man hadn't knocked me out and trapped me in some cold, damp room. Hoping that this man wasn't really the guy that Zayn saved me from, in that club, ages ago and that he wasn't working for Bobby.

Hoping it was all a nightmare.

I didn't want to open my eyes.

I couldn't.

I knew yesterday was real. I know I wouldn't dream if Bobby talking to a guy named Dom. I knew it was real but I didn't want it to be.

"Hey, sexy is awake." Dom smirked.

I didn't speak, like yesterday, I just remained silent.

"Aww still can't speak to me, what if I make you scream instead?" Dom smiled viciously pointing to his unbuckled belt.

I felt sick to my stomach.

"You come anywhere near me with that, I'll fucking kill you." I growled.

"Oh I don't plan too... I plan to cum inside you." Don said still smiling creepily.

"Like I said. I'll kill you." I said trying to wriggle out of the ropes secretly but they were too tight.

The creaky door swung open and in came him.

"Now Dom, I told you we don't have time for this shit. In a few days we will but for now we need to get out of this town. We'll have more fun with the freak when no one knows us two. Obviously the freak will stay locked up but we can roam around the streets freely without being recognised." He said smiling.

"Bobby, can't I just have a quick bit of fun?" Dom said moaning.

"Dom shut up." Bobby said forcefully.

"Now freak," Bobby walked over to me, "this is for ruining my life." He lifted a bat from behind his back and swung it into my stomach with the force of a Greek God.

Zayn's POV

I couldn't stand it anymore. I ran straight into the house through the back door.

I don't care if I get hurt but I have to do something to help Niall. I couldn't leave him with those two bastards.

"Please, let me go." I could faintly hear Niall's scared voice, it terrified me more because I could hear the pain in his voice.

I opened it slowly, the creaking off the door made it harder to be unheard.

As I crept my way in I could see the man who looked like Bobby swinging a bat towards Niall, I couldn't help myself I had to do something.

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