Part 12

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Niall's POV.


Whats is that insanely beeping noise?!

"Ugh!" I moaned.

"Niall? Are you ok?" An unknown voice asked.

"Turn off the alarm. It's driving me insane." I moaned again.

"I'm sorry sir but that is not a alarm, its in fact a heart monitor." The voice said again.

"Why is there a heart monitor in my room?" I asked, bewildered.

"Mr. Horan, you are not in your room. You are in a hospital room?" The voice replied.

I cracked open my eyes to a blinding light. I looked around to see a unfamiliar room and to my right there was in-fact a heart monitor.

"What happened? Why am i here?" I asked, trying to sit up. I groaned from the pain that shot through my body.

"Sir, please lie down if you are in pain. I'm Doctor Lay. This here is Nurse Peru, she will attend to anything you may have concerns or worries about." He paused, to put his click-board down.

"Now, you are here because a young man of the name Zayn Malik phoned an ambulance for you after he found you unconscious.." I cut him off.

"Where is he? Why was I unconscious. What happened?" I asked frantically.

"Sir, please calm down. Mr Malik is just outside, you were found unconscious after you were viciously attacked. He phoned the balance as soon as he found. Now Mr. Horan there are some things that i would like to discuss with you, if thats is alright?" Dr. Lay asked.

"Yes. What about?" I asked him.

"It's about a few things the nurses and I discovered when examining you.. There was a lot if bruises and cuts that were over your body. At first look we thought it might have been from the attackers. But soon we uncovered that they were fresh, but now fresh enough to be caused in a day, we figured that you were maybe selfharming sir. Now, i would prefer you to answer honestly to these next few questions." He explained.

"Ok." I answered bluntly.

"Firstly, do you self harm?"


"Ok. Would you like to receive counselling?"


"Ok. Are you in pain? Would you prefer some medication or are you on any right now."

"I'm not on any medication. And yes I'm sore all over so i would like something to take the pain away." I informed him.

"Ok. Nurse, will you supply Mr. Horan with the right amount of medication please?"

"No problem Dr." The nurse told him.

"Can you get Zayn for me please?" I asked him.

"No problem sir, you will be able to go home later today or tomorrow depending on your recovery rate. Also, you may suffer from a small form of amnesia so it is normal if you dont remember what happened today." He told me.

"Okay. Thank you."

He left the room and the nurse supplied me with medication. I couldn't take it for at least an hour which sucked. Soon enough Zayn entered the room, looking rough might i add.

"Hey mate! How you feeling?" He asked.

"Who are you?" I asked him jokingly.

"What! Niall? It's me, Zayn. Your band-mate, your best friend. Please tell me your remember me?!" He said, almost in tears.

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