Part 15

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Louis' POV.

Was I seriously about to tell Harry all of my deepest darkest secrets?

Starting by telling him everything about me to... him?

How will he react?

I dont know if I can talk about him..

It hurts too much...

Harry sat on my king sized bed with me and I drank my tea while trying to think of the right words to start.

As I finished my tea, Harry spoke.

"Louis. I want to say something before you start. Anything you say... May be given in evidence." He laughed.

Funny enough, it made us both laugh until my sides started to hurt.

"No, but in all seriousness, anything that you want to tell me. Just know that, that you can. I'll always be there for you. Ok?" I just nodded in response to him.

"Harry, umm... Before I can even tell you the story of m-my... My past. There's something you need to know"

"Ok. Shoot." Harry said, hugging me.

"I-Its about me. I.. Uh.." I groaned not being able to say the words.

"Lou, just tell me Im not going to judge you." Harry said softly.

"You promise not to laugh or hate me?" I was getting so uncomfortable talking about this.

"I promise." Harry said with a small smile.

"Ok... I-I... ImgayandIlikeyou" iI Rudd out. Harry sat in front of my with a confused expression.

"What? Say it again.. In English?" He smirked.

"Im gay.." Harry started laughing.

"Y-you said you wouldn't laugh." I said tears building in my eyes

"Babe, I'm sorry for laughing. It's just that, after we kissed, I kind of figured that" Harry said, his breathing back to normal.

"I wasn't finished." I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't make out what I said.

"Babe, seriously? I'm sorry, ok. Continue what you were saying." Harry said, the serious look back in on his face

"I-I um.. S-sorta.. Umm, l-like you?" I stuttered a lot trying to tell him I liked him.


I cut him off.

"Stop calling me that! I'm not your babe or baby or whatever." I said frustrated, flying back on to my bed.

Suddenly, I felt a weight on top of me.

It was harry.

He had crawled on top of me when I had laid backed.

"What if.. What if I want you to be my baby." He said, I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.

His face was now hovering above mine.

"W-what did you say?" I whispered.

"You heard me." His lips were now brushing mine.

Suddenly, I felt sparks shooting around my body as if Harry had just ignited a fuse inside me.

Harry's POV

"You heard me." I whispered.

I pressed my lips on top of his with a little force and sparks flew.

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