Part 17

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Zayn's POV

"Uhh.. Your turn" I said with a smirk.

To be honest I was really scared because I've never done anything with a guy before.

As soon as I had started kissing Niall's neck, his phone rang.

"Answer it, it might be important." I said, hoping he'd answer it. He nodded and answered his phone.

"Hello.." He said through the phone.

I could make out a very manly voice on the other end.

"Who... How did you get this number?!" Niall said, fear filling his eyes.

"L-leave me a.. Alone, p-please." He said, trembling.

I started rubbing his back with concern. I was starting to get really worried.

"Y-you can't do that.." Niall said in terror, running his free-hand through his hair.

I could hear the person on the other end reply.

"Oh but I can" He said.

I took the phone from Niall's hand and shouted down the phone.

"Who the fuck is this?!" And thats when the line went dead.

I looked to Niall to see him trembling, I reached out to hug him but he flinched.

"No." He said quietly.

"Niall, who was that on the phone?" I asked.

"No, no, no.." He kept repeating that word over and over again.

"Niall, please baby who was that on the phone." I said as I tried to hug him.

But he instantly stood up and ran, he ran from me.

So I did the only thing that came to mind and that was to run after him.

I ran after him, I was almost behind him when he seemed to trip and fall to the floor.

Before he hit the ground, I reached out and grabbed his waist. Hoping he wouldn't get out.

Niall turned around and suddenly started crying.

I was so worried about him, he slid to the ground on his knees, as my arms were around him. I rubbed his back and whispered soothing words to him.


He didn't respond, his crying was decreasing to whimpers.

"Baby, please. Talk to me, what was that phone-call about? Why were you crying?"


Vote, comment and share.

I'm going to upload every two weeks, on a Sunday at 8:00pm (London-time-zone)

I will only update after I have received 10votes on the previous update.

As from now on, I need 10votes for the next update after this chapter if there is to be another upload.

If there isn't 10votes by Sunday 24th August at 8pm then there will not be an update until the second Sunday after.

I'm sorry, but I really need to know if people like this story so I know whether to update or just delete it.

Thank you. Peace out!

Ps. Chapters will be a little short for a while but will get longer after the next 5/6 chapters because the next few chapters will just be fillers.

I love you all! ✌️


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