Part 24

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Zayn's POV

"Hello, My name is Officer O'Neill and this is Officer Murphy and we'll be in charge of the case involving a Mr. Horan. Now, firstly what does Mr. Horan look like?" O'Neill asked.

"Oh bloody hell, he's Niall Horan, how do you not know what he looks like?" Louis shouted.

"Louis. Enough." Maura spoke, "Sorry about him, he's a little worried."

"No worries, Mam. Given the situation, it's understandable. Louis, it is protocol that my partner and I ask these questions no matter how famous the young man may be." O'Neill said firmly.

"Sorry." Louis mumbled.

"Here's a photo of him from last week." Greg spoke for the first time, handing Murphy the photograph.

"I was informed that you think you know of the culprit?" Murphy said, looking at me.

"Oh, I know who took him. Bobby Horan, Niall's father." I seethed.

"And why are you so sure?" Murphy questioned.

"Bobby use to beat Niall all the time when we were younger, sometimes myself too but only when I had stepped in between them and tried to protect my l-little brother," Greg said in a low voice, almost cracking and turning into sobs, "I-I couldnt p-protect him back then, a-all tho-ose ye-year a-ago an-and I couldn't protect h-him now. We should've r-reported h-he was back t-the m-moment he r-rung Niall. This is all my fault!" By now Greg was crying and I had to look away, I just couldn't watch it, listening to it was bad enough, I can't think about all the times Niall has needed me and I wasn't there for him.

"Son, please calm down." Maura asked softly. After Greg calmed down a little, the officer spoke.

"Ok, from what was just been said, I believe you have a good reason for suspecting this man." O'Neill said, "Although, I would like anyone here who knows about this phone call to tell me everything they know."

"Niall got a phone call when we were... Talking, he started crying, saying 'how did you get this number' and 'leave me alone' so I asked who was on the phone and he started mumbling a lot of no's then I asked again. He just ran, he ran from me and,"

I had to take a breath before continuing,

"..on instinct I just ran after him, calling his name but he wouldn't stop, wouldn't even look back at me. Soon I caught up with him and he almost fell, after he calmed down he asked me to bring him to his Mum's house to see if Greg was there and he was." I said, my eyes trained on my hands.

I was holding back my emotions.

"Fuck" Greg shouted.

Everyone just looked at him. "He came running into my arms. He looked like he seen a ghost and I was worried and I said 'The last time you looked like that was almost 8years ago." And half way through that sentence I realised that only that man could make my little brother looked that afraid. I asked him to tell me it wasn't true but he said 'he's back' and my mum here started saying 'That man isn't getting anywhere near my boys.. But, do you know what I said to him after?!"

Greg was shouting by now and the tears were flowing fast,

"Do you know what I said to my little brother?! I fucking promised him that, that man wasn't going to get anywhere near him!" He was crying like a 6 year old, literally, he was curled up in a ball and hugging his knees.

That's when I broke down, seeing Greg: a man, crying because of another man. If that bastard can make Greg cry from the thought of him. Then what is going to happen to my Niall. And then the door burst open and Liam came running in frantically.

"What's happened?!" Liam shouted, half crying.

Louis started explaining everything to Liam, while Harry comforted me. His hugs were nice, but I needed my Nialler's. His were the best.

"Last question, Mr Styles. You said you saw someone who looked like Niall being thrown in the back of a black car, correct?" Murphy asked.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I didn't think it was Niall until I got home and saw Louis and Zayn in a state of worry."

"You said you remember what he looks like and the number plate?" Harry nodded, "Would you please give us that information?"

"Of course, ah.. The number plate was definitely Sl4-8761, and the guy looked kind of creepy. He had this weird moustache thing going on, black short hair, and like I told Zayn and Louis, it was too messy to tell if it was naturally curly or not. He was about 5ft 7 maybe and wore this kind of black leather jacket." Harry looked at his feet, "That's all I can remember, sory."

"Ok, that's alright, we seem to have enough information on Niall and why it might be this Bobby character. Miss.." Murphy said.

"Maura, call me Maura." She cut him off.

"Ok, Maura. Would you please fill in this sheet of everything you know about your ex husband, anything from petty to criminal activity. You won't get in trouble if do know anything, so please just tell us everything you know, it could help the case." Murphy said.

"Also, Mam. Could you please fill in this sheet of the easiest contacts and where we shall come to in the near future when we need to speak to you all." O'Neill said.

"Boys, all of you will stay at mine. It's first place Niall will come if he escapes them." We all agreed and Maura went out to leave the officers at the door and fill in those papers.

"I got to go." I said.

"Where you going?" Greg asked.

"I cant sit here." I said simply.

"Zayn.." Liam started.

I snapped, "WHAT?!"

"Just be safe man." He said calmly.

"Yeah, whatever." I said and left.

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