"Honey!! We were so worried about you!" her mother crooned.

"So you people worry about me only when I get kidnapped? Otherwise, everyone doesn't give a fuck. Always about me getting married to save the company. Company this, company that. I'm not the only fucking child if you forgot. You have a son who throws a ball around a huge field. Ask him. What's with getting me married JUST to save the company? Wasn't there another way to clean up your shit? You people make me sick. ALL of you. Cut the acts and get out of my room. I don't need your attention anymore Tristan. The fake marriage is over anyway. As for you two, my "Parents" you guys are nothing to me. Anthony can stay. Rest of you pack your shit up and leave." she was crying and screaming.

Apart from being gobsmacked from her sudden outburst, I knew that it was just overwhelming for her. I didn't say another word but I got up and left. Obviously, I wasn't going back home, I was just going to crash in my car till she checked out. I love her and I'll make sure she sees that.


"Jesus Tati. You need to calm down. Everything is fine now. They just care for you. Everyone was worried." Anthony came to my bedside and hugged me.

"For God's sake Tony. You know very well that if this didn't happen, I'd still be caught up in their stupid contracts. Something bad always needs to happen to me then everyone realizes that it's time to care. Honestly, how long more did you think I could put up with everyone's attitude? Don't you think it's time people treat me right? Apart from you. Stacey and Kia, no one gives a shit about me unless it's to do with my money or just to be seen with me. I WAS TORTURED." I was on a hysterical roll. 

Venting it out seemed like the only way to relieve my stress.

"Tristan cares about you too you know. I admit that your parents and everyone else treat you badly, but you shouldn't say that about Tristan. You and I both know that you're too stubborn to realize that you have feelings for him. But it's alright, you deserve someone who would spoil you and court you properly. I know you marrying him in a rush may seem like a rush and yes it was, but things happen for a reason. It's just up to you to process things and take the right action. What happened to you was totally unexpected. We were all blindsided by Logan's act. Heck, I even thought you were stupid for not giving him a chance. But Tristan, I have a gut feeling about him. Anyway, you take some rest and I'll be back tomorrow." he kissed my forehead and left.

Damn him. Anthony was right most of the times. The rest of the time in the hospital, I watched tv and just relaxed. A nurse came in to give me my medication. "Hello doll, here are your meds." she smiled warmly.

"Where's the handsome man that's always here? He always sat with you throughout the days never leaving your sight. Such a charming fella. Always making sure no one disturbs you." I didn't know what else to do than shrug. She frowned and shook her head and proceeded to leave the room.

Now I felt like a total bitch. I fell asleep that night dreaming of him. 

 When the time came for me to check out, the nurses were sad to see me leave. I wondered why actually. Cause I was a total pain in the ass to them.

"Why are you guys sad to see me leave. Haven't I been mean to you?" I questioned.

"Honey we are sad cause we don't get to see that fine man come in here every day. We've been admiring his cute tush and handsome face since he walked in." they went on and on describing Tristan till I had to raise my hand to make them stop.

He actually was here all the while making sure I didn't slip into anything serious. My dad had apparently taken care of the hospital bill. Anthony came to help me and once we were out in the parking lot I noticed a familiar looking Porsche Panamera in the lot. While Tony loaded the things into the car, I hobbled my way to it and once I got there, I peered into the car.

My thoughts were right. Tristan was in there sleeping. His car was a mess with shirts all over the back seat and some packets of chips. I knocked his window lightly and he stirred around and winced because the sunlight was streaming in. Slowly he opens his eyes while squinting. When he realized it was me, he quickly got up.

He opened his door '' Hey, you checked out alright?'' I nodded my head.

I decided I wanted him to come back to our apartment '' Follow us back. See you there.''

I hobbled back to Tony and he had an amused look on his face '' That's a good girl.'' he said.

Tristan followed us back to the apartment. Once in the elevator, there was a silence. I didn't know how I was going to react because Logan used to live next to me. The doors opened and I felt as if my shoes were cemented to the ground.

'' Take your time Tati.'' Tristan rubbed his hand up and down my back. Shivers went through me. His touch seemed to have that effect on me. I stepped out and they followed me. Once we were in my place, I finally managed to breathe. Tony left after putting my stuff back.

Zeus, came running out of Tristan's room and sat in front of me.

"Hello precious. Have you been a good boy?" I cooed to it. It willingly came into my arms and licked my cheek. He was no longer the ball of fluff anymore!

"I'm just going to go wash up." he went into his room.

I decided to lounge about in the living area and I didn't realize I dozed off. I dreamt that I was walking alone and all of a sudden Logan was right in front of me. His men grabbed hold of me and started shoving my face in the icy cold water. This time, I was too weak and couldn't fight back. When my head went in and I didn't have any more oxygen left to hold my breath I started screaming in the water. Screaming and screaming and screaming my life out.

Tristan P.O.V

I was in bed just reading some work things while she was watching tv. Her father had agreed to let me run the company for a while and of course, he helped out also. Just as I was about to doze off, I heard screaming and Zeus was barking. I ran to where she was at and was shocked by what I was seeing.

She was dreaming and crying her eyes out. Immediately, I rushed to her and woke her up.

"Tati, Tati calm down." I hugged her.

"I -- I was dreaming. They were shoving my face in ice water-- I wasn't strong enough-- I--I. I can't" she cried into my chest and I let her do that. I was mad and sad for her at the same time. Logan deserved to die that's for sure.

"Come on, I'll carry you to bed."

"No, please I don't want to sleep alone." she held on to my neck while I carried her up the stairs.

I shook my head. "Zeus, come along boy."

"I want you to stay with me too Tristan. Please." how could I turn down those green eyes? I shook my head again. Laying her on the bed, Zeus jumped up next to her. Damn dog!! I proceeded to off the lights and she whimpered. I decided against it and joined her on the bed.

"You could watch tv. It's fine with me. I hate silence now." she looked at me. She looked so afraid. I just wanted to hug her and let her know that I'll never leave her.

"I won't pressure you to tell me what happened to you. But Just so you know, I'm always here to listen and help you. I promise." she shook her head. Zeus snuggled against her like a bolster and I smiled.

I hoped things would get better after this.

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