Chapter 26

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Tati P.O.V

I stared at him. Help me get Logan? That actually stung. Tristan didn't like me? It was my fault anyway. I  basically told him I liked Logan. Which was true because I liked him And Tristan. Well, I can't have the best of both worlds can I? 

"You would help me?" I couldn't believe that I was even asking him that. My heart was crushed but alive at the same time at the thought of finally getting Logan but losing Tristan.

"Well, we are going to have to keep this low key since the papers say you have to be married for at least a year to me. When the year is up, you'll just get a divorce and you can be with Logan." he said casually. It was like he was talking about having a morning stroll.

"Ok.. but what's the angle on getting Logan?"

"Baby, you're a Victoria's Secret model. You just have to drag him by his tie into the supply closet and he'll be begging for you." he laughed.

"WHAT?! Tristan!! Oh my god.. is that what you'd do?" I was baffled by what he said.

"Oh no, I'm a perfect gentleman. I'm the kind of man you would open the car door for a lady, take her for a dinner at her favorite restaurant, hold her hand flirt a little and drop her back home." he smiled when he said all of that in a sensual voice.

I gulped "What? No kiss goodnight?" 

"No, of course not! Just a peck on the cheek. Of course, if she invited me in.. maybe I would. Depends on the situation." he laughed.

"What situation?"

"Well, I have my standards for ladies also you know. I'm not like other men. "Player" as some may call them but to me, they are better off known as bastards."

This man here was simply amazing. Just then, the doorbell rang and when I opened it... It was Logan.

He stepped in and when he saw Tristan he was about to start a fight. I could tell. Tristan stood up and bid us goodnight.

"So, that was awkward. I thought he would ask me to leave or something. Seeing that he's your husband and all." Logan sat on the couch. I followed his actions and sat next to him.

"Well, he didn't. He's not what you think he is."

"Yeah and he's not what you think he is also." why does everyone love speaking in riddles. Seriously.

The other time Tristan was talking in codes about Logan and now Logan is doing that. Men and their words.

"What brought you over?"

"Just wanted to see how you were doing." he shrugged.

We talked a little more and I found myself asking him out on a date. I know it's weird that I asked him out instead of the other way around, but I was desperate to go out with him. The heart wants what it wants right?

When he left I suddenly felt like a fool. A desperate fool. I continued feeling that way until I shut my eyes and went to bed.


"You asked him out?! You might as well have the words desperate plastered all over your forehead." Stacey shot at me. I cringed at that. At least she was honest.

"I was confused ok? I'm just tired of waiting."

"Well, at least he said yes. Since he did kiss you the other day, shows he is interested in you. The problem is, how are you going to keep this under the wraps. Avoiding the public eye." Kia said.

"We are going to drive out of the city for a quiet dinner thingy." I shrugged.


The day of the date finally rolled along. I wasn't feeling excited all of a sudden. Tristan had been guiding me on what to speak about. We were in my room deciding what to wear.

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