Chapter 14

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The kiss was... OK. Not great that I wanted to rip his clothes off and turned me on great. When I pulled back, I could feel Logan's gaze all the way from the DJ set. Mind you, it was pretty dark yet I could feel him watching me. Either that or I'm majorly paranoid.

We went back to the booth and John went to get me a drink. Just as he left, Logan sat next to me. It was so loud so when he spoke, he had to come really close to me to speak next to my ear.

"You and John huh?" Oh great, he saw us. I just shrugged and said

"We're just friends." He raised an eyebrow.

"Just be careful." Before I could ask him to explain what he meant by that, his date came and pulled him away and they headed off to the dance floor. John got me my drink and as soon as I downed it, I grabbed his and downed it too. And after what seemed like an eternity, the girls came back and I was so happy. I led them to the dance floor away from John and possibly Logan. Wherever he was.

I told the girls what happened and of course, they were all for me to go get some ass. When we returned, I saw Logan and John in an intense conversation and it looked like Logan was yelling at John. As we sat down, Logan waved at us indicating he was leaving. Not only was I feeling slightly bummed that he was going, but I also noticed that his date wasn't in sight.

I chatted with John a little bit more. Wait, more like he talked and I listened and when I got bored and mostly annoyed, I signaled for the girls to come over to leave.

"Sorry to break up the party love birds, but it's late and we want to leave." Stacey said.

"Yea sure I'll walk you guys out." to my surprise he held my hand out and when we were at the valet he actually caught me off guard and kissed me. It was.. ok? Kia cleared her throat indicating that my car was here already and I said goodbye to him.

"Oh my god. You lucky bitch." Stacey said as soon as the doors closed.

"Yea Tati. To get someone like John.. Just whoa."

"Why are you quiet anyway?" Stacey said again.

"John is a nice guy. But.. there's just something weird about him that's all."

"Weird as in?" Kia's head popped up from the backseat.

"Don't tell me he's gay. Cause I'll cry. Most good looking guys are gay these days." Stacey whined.

"No. no. It's just that Logan said something about him earlier. He told me to be careful."

Both the girls smiled as if they knew something. Then Stacey said.

"Tati.. I don't know if you've noticed, but Logan..he.."

"Spit it out Stace." I said.

"It's just that sometimes, Logan looks at you. Not like checking you out. But, he has that longing look and he then checks you out. If that makes sense." Kia spilled out.

"You guys probably don't know this. But... Logan and I go way back. In order for this story to continue, I'll be needing my wine bottles back home. So bare with me." as soon as we were back at my place, we huddled in my room and I told them my story.

4 bottles of wine later, I was piss drunk.

"You'd think I'd learn my lesson and throw those feelings away right? But nooooooooooo I still have those feelings. But nooooooo he has to be even sexier and handsome. That's why even though John may be some kind of weirdo, he's sort of my insurance plan for my heart."

"Giiiirrll you deserve all sorts of guys. You can get them in a snap you cheeky bitch." Kia slurred.

Next thing I know, we were all passed out. The next day, we were woken up by Anthony.

"Victoria's Secret model Tatiana Fiori spotted in a heated kiss with an English bloke and-- Whoa. What the hell happened here." he was obviously shocked to find the 3 of us sleeping on the floor with empty wine bottles.

" Not now please. Head. Hurts. Asprin." the other girls slowly woke up too.

He came back with bottles of water and aspirin for all of us.

"Tony meet Kia and Stace. What were you reading?"

"Hello, girls. You made it to the gossip section. Your picture too. I've been getting non-stop phone calls asking for comments on this picture."

Oh. Fuck. I was literally stalked by photogs after that. But nonetheless, work had to continue. I rarely saw Logan actually and it sort of pissed me off. It was like he was avoiding me. He owed me an explanation and he was being a prick.

John and I were dating and I never really opened up to him. But he seemed to be really into me you know? So I let him kiss me. Heated kisses actually but nothing more. Every time I went home after work, Logan's place seemed dark. Obviously, he wasn't home for a few days. It's actually been 3 weeks and I only saw him on E! news on how he was out with some girl.

No, I was not jealous. Not jealous at all.

"You are so jealous, I can see you plotting murder against that girl right now." Anthony said looking at me.

"Shut up. I'm not."

"Oh pleassseee. I know you and I know that look you're giving. You gave that same look when Amber was sucking up to your favorite Economics lecturer who you loved so much and when you found out she was sleeping with him, you had that look all the time. We both know what happened after that." he laughed.

"Stop it. All I did was slip an anonymous note to the head lecturer..."

"Jealous cow. What happened to screw logan and his whores not like I like him." he mimicked my voice.

"Yeah screw him." I said hoping it would sound convincing.

When I got back to work on Monday, and as soon as I stepped out of the elevator, everyone was quiet. Actually, everyone was staring at Logan's office. I couldn't see what they were looking at. But as I got closer, I heard yelling.

"What do you think you're doing John. You know what happened and yet you act like a dick!" Logan yelled. I moved closer and closer, approaching his glass office. Logan wouldn't have been able to see me cause his back was facing me and John had a clear view of me.

"Oh look who's all changed now. You fuck and go and you didn't even give her a chance."

"You asshole, what you're doing is worst."

"Oh please, I'll do whatever I want." before John had time to move, Logan punched him square in the nose and again.. and again.

"What the hell is happening here?!" I decided to intervene.

Logan was shocked and for a second, John looked like he was grinning but I must've imagined it cause his face was bloody.

"Jesus Logan what's your problem. Just cause I'm dating John you punch him? You never liked me remember?" I yelled.

"You know what, you deal with this partnership with him till it's over. I'm going off." Logan stormed away.

What the--?

A/N: I would love for your thoughts!! And vote if you feel like this baby of mine deserves to win the Wattys2019!! :)

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