Chapter 6

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I was in my apartment drowning myself in a tub of ice cream. Stress eating, to be more accurate. I was sure i had no feelings other than being attracted to Logan physically. How was I going to handle this? 

How would I handle myself if we were in the same room for a meeting or something? Anthony walked in on me and just stared at me with his famous judgmental look on his face which made me lose my appetite instantly.

"This isn't what it seems like," I said licking off the last bit of ice cream and wiping off my tears.

"I knew you were so not over him. This is so going to be fun. I'm going to pick out some out sexy but professional outfits for you to wear on your first day." he said walking into my wardrobe.

"What do you mean?! I never said I agreed to work there you know." I whined.

"So you're telling me, you'd rather have Mario who is damn busy running the company? Or better yet, ask your father to get back to work so he can have a severe heart attack?" he said casually taking out some pencil skirts.

"Way to go and put the guilt trip on me you know. Mario isn't the only one who's busy. I have to be in Barbados in a week for the swimsuit issue!" I tried giving an excuse. Then it hit me.

"OMG ANTHONY you should so be my personal assistant. I'll pay twice more than what you're getting and you can organize everything so I can leave for shoots and still be able to do some work at the same time." I jumped around him begging.

He smiled widely and said "I thought you'd never ask. Besides, I'd do anything to spend time with Mr.Logan in his Zegna suits."

"Please spare me the details. He thinks I'm a good for nothing model. You should have seen his expression when Mario suggested that I take over my dad's place. The nerve of that man." I said and walked out of the room.

What I didn't know was what Anthony had quietly said behind my back "Yea but the both of you have feelings for each other since you were young. You guys were just too afraid."


"Mr. Henderson, Ms.Fiori has confirmed that she will be coming into the office in tow days time and by then she would appreciate if she had whatever documents necessary for her to review and would like an office to be set up." Sandra's voice bellowed through the intercom.

All I could do was close my eyes and take in a deep breathe. "Alright Sandra give her Mr.Fiori's office and do as she says. "And Sandra.. please try to avoid us from making any contact with each other." I said.

"Very well sir, if you insist." Yea right that's going to happen.

Sandra was the only one who knew the story of me and Tatiana and about our fluke engagement. I did have feelings for her but due to society, I grew to hate her for her appearance. She was a nice person deep inside. Always caring for others but there was no one was there for her. I just couldn't bring myself to go out with someone who didn't take care of herself.

I was a jerk. Period. I will always be one to her.

I'd just have to do what I do best. Be the jerk I am and avoid her. Couldn't be that hard right?

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