Chapter 32

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"Shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck. I'm late." I told myself as I stepped into the shower and flipped on the cold water. I was immediately awake. 

Running into my closet, I picked out a simple flowing skirt and a flowing top. My hair was fine for some miraculous reason, so I quickly grabbed a pair of flats and my Chanel bag. The girls were on the bed and the floor knocked out from excessive wine and ice-cream. It was day two of our sleepover party and I was currently late for the lunch date with Tristan's mother.

As I stepped out, one of the guards was already there so he followed me to the car and quickly drove to the Kane residence. The Kane residence was a penthouse in the center of New York. If I was searching for a home, I'd love to get one of these penthouses.

Mrs.Kane, or Marnie as everyone called her, was the homeliest person ever. From my childhood, her house always smelled like cookies and there would always be some on the counter when I was over. Marnie was a fairly tall woman, taller than my mother. Her chestnut brown hair was always in a loose bun. She had a very neat look and was always soft spoken.

The car veered into the parking lot and I stepped out of the car. We were led to the highest floor and before I could even ring the doorbell, the door swung open. She stood with her arms wide open.

"Tatiana darling! You look gorgeous!" she said in English with her heavy Italian accent.

"Marnie. I've missed you. You look amazing!" amazing was the only way to describe her. Unlike my mother, who had many "reconstructions" done to her, Marnie had aged gracefully.

"Come in, come in. I made your favorite cookies. We talk now."  she gave the bodyguard some cookies and he went away.

"Let me just clear something now ok? Are you ok Cara Bella? I don't want to talk about the negative things." she told me as we sat on the sofa.

I couldn't help but smile at that. She always knew how to talk.

"I'm fine. I want to know if you are ok also before we move on. I never knew what you were going--"

"It's alright dear. I am fine now. We managed to clear it out and I've been cancer free for 3 years."

We talked for nearly two hours and it felt so good. It was nice to have someone who actually was motherly to me. I snuggled deeper into the sofa when Marnie went into the kitchen. I didn't realize I fell asleep.

Squinting my eyes open, I realized I was lying down on the sofa with a blanket covered over me. That's when I realized my feet were on something hard. Felt like someone's thigh... I bolted up to see Tristan smiling at me

"What the hell are you doing here?? Where's your mother?" I adjusted my hair properly hoping it didn't look like a bird's nest.

"This is my house silly. My mother went home." he smiled lazily.

"What do you mean she went home and this is your house. Your assistant told me-- Oh, Oh, you slick ass! You purposely led me here." I threw the pillow at him hoping to hurt him, but that obviously that didn't work. I got up to find the bodyguard in the other area and he wasn't there.

"I sent him home. You're staying here with me today." He said casually while flipping through the channels on tv.

"WHAT?!" I huffed and sat next to him and looked at the tv.

"I have Chinese food in the kitchen. Help yourself," he said still looking at the tv.

I got up and walked into the modern kitchen. The white containers were placed out on the table in a line. Fried rice to stir-fried noodles and wantons. I opened the fridge to find some wine or some sort of alcohol to get me through the night.

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