14. shower time

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Colsons pov

Carter was finishing someone's makeup, and I had to pee, so I stepped out of the trailer to find the bathroom. Everyone who was in makeup was already on set, far away from carter, and there were other people in there with her, so I felt ok leaving her for a few minutes.

I didn't think I was gone that long, maybe 10 minutes? As I walked back to the trailer, I could feel something was wrong. Then I heard her scream. I ran as fast as I could towards the sound. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I started pounding on the door, trying to break it open when I heard him speak. "Aww look, your pretty little boyfriend can't get in. oh no." he whined in a fake voice. I could hear her struggling with him. I finally busted open the door. I got into the trailer and lunged at him. Even though he knew I was in the trailer, he didn't stop. I pulled him off of her and tackled him to the ground. I saw red, and blacked out during the fight. I just started beating this shit out of this guy. He got a couple hits on me, but he definitely didn't win.

When I finally got off of him, I looked for Carter, but she was gone. I walked out of the trailer, frantically looking for her. I ran around the whole production set looking for her. I walked into the section where they were filming and saw that director was huffing and arguing with some of the cast. He made eye contact with me and groaned.

"You wanna tell me why my makeup lead just ruined my whole scene?" he was pissed. I know it wasn't my place to say anything, but I had to.

"Yeah, your creepy ass actor just tried to rape her. Now if you'll excuse me I gotta go find her" I rolled my eyes at the man and ran off, finding the exit from the set. I looked around for her, but I still couldn't find her. Damn that girl is fucking fast. I knew she was gonna run as far as she could away from the situation. I don't blame her. I would of ran too.

I grabbed her keys out of my pocket and got in her car. I put the key in the ignition and her car roared to life. God, I love that sound. I sped out of the parking lot and down the long road, my eyes scanning the road for her. I finally saw her speed walking down the road. I parked her car, then got out, running to catch up with her.

"Carter..." I called out to her. She didn't respond. She just kept walking. I reached out to her, grabbing her wrist. She finally stopped walking, so I pulled her back to me, wrapping my arms around her, holding her tightly.

"hey, im here. I gotchu now" I held her close to me, not wanting to let go. I knew she was feeling numb; she wasn't hugging me back, and when she finally did, she barely wrapped her arms around me.


The whole car ride home, she didn't say anything. She just looked out the window until we arrived at her building. Once we got there, she wouldn't get out of the car. I walked around to her side and opened the door. "Come on love, lets go to your apartment. Then you don't have to do anything" it took some convincing, but I finally got her out of the car and up to her apartment.

When we got into her apartment, I locked the door behind us. She walked into her bedroom, and I followed behind her. Once we were in her room, she stopped and looked at me, studying my injuries. She took a step closer to me and put her thumb under a cut I had on my cheek. It stung, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

She moved her hands down to mine, gently inspecting my hands. My knuckles were bruised, bloody and starting to swell. "is he dead?" she spoke for the first time since this happened

I shook my head "No, he's not dead, but he wasn't conscious when I was done with him" she nodded, then made me sit down on her bed. She walked into the bathroom and came back out a few moments later with what looked like a modified first aid kit.

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