24. angel in white

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Colsons pov

I wanted to surprise carter. Our anniversary was in a few days, so I booked a flight for really early that morning. There was no way I was gonna spend that day with anyone other than her. I know she hates surprises, but I missed her, so here I was packing for a 3 am flight.

Usually I wasn't one for pre planning, but as soon as she left back to Portland, I had already booked the tickets. I was hoping she would stay for the extra 2 weeks, but she didn't. She probably didn't even know that our anniversary was coming up.

"How long are you gonna stay there this time?" I heard Ash ask me.

"I don't know." I shrugged. If I could, I would stay with her forever, I would. I didn't care if it was in Portland, LA, Cleveland, or the middle of the fucking woods.

"Is it gonna be a month? Maybe 6?"

I turned around and looked at her, she was crossing her arms. "I don't fucking know Ash. What I really want is to convince her to come back with me."

"Alright. Just don't do anything stupid for a girl." She put her hands up in defense

"I dropped half a million in clothes and gifts for her. Those necklaces were like 50 grand a piece. If she was only a girl, I wouldn't have done that."

"Kells that's kinda my point. You dropped all that money on her and she's 2 thousand miles away. Don't give up everything for someone like her." She put her hands up in defense. "But I know when I'm beating a dead horse. Its pretty clear you love her, just make sure she loves back before you do anything."

"She panics every time something is remotely wrong with me. She calms me down when I can't think and I'm losing my shit. She cooks, for all of us. She's the first one to volunteer to do literally anything that needs to get done. Literally everybody loves her except you. Why?" I was getting frustrated. Everyone always says nothing but good things about her, except for Ash.

"Don't get all defensive with me. I don't want a repeat of any of your previous relationships. You fall too hard for girls who want you for your fame. Somebody has to look out for you because you aren't doing it for yourself!" She raised her voice at me

"You don't call the shots on who I get to love. You're my fucking manager Ash, not my fucking mother." I knew better than to raise my voice at Ash, so I stayed as calm as I could.

"Right. Because im actually a part of your life, even when you don't want me." she shook her head, then walked out of my room. Thank god.


Carters pov

I couldn't sleep. The whole night I tried, but my eyes wouldn't close. I tried smoking, taking sleeping meds, meditation, a weighted blanket, everything. Nothing was helping. It got to the point where I couldn't stand to be in my bedroom, so I went into the living room to watch tv. I sat on the couch, looking down at the tattoo on my finger. I smiled, seeing his name permanently etched into my skin.

I couldn't see the one of Rook's name unless I looked in a mirror, so I stared at the one on my finger the most. Anytime I missed Colson, or any of the crew, I just looked at the tattoo. It always helped me to calm down. I turned on a random show on Netflix, mindlessly watching it.

Knock knock

I didn't know who it was, so I grabbed a knife from the kitchen before walking over to the door. I didn't have a peephole, so I cracked the door to see who it was, the knife raised up, ready to stab if I didn't know who it was.

I peered through the crack in the door to see my tall, tattooed, blue eyed, golden god of a boyfriend. I set the knife down on the bench by the door, then opened it wider. "Colson!" I practically screamed as I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. His hands went around my ass, and he walked us inside. My head nuzzled into his neck. There was no way I was letting go of him anytime soon. I didn't know why he was here, but I wasn't going to complain.

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