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He didn't say anything back, but he did stop walking. He was about to turn to face me, but then there was a loud sound.


Colsons pov

I could tell something was off with Carter when we were still at the restaurant. The past week she was always nervous to leave her apartment, but she wouldn't tell me why. I knew better than to press her on it. I made it clear that she could tell me anything, but it was up to her if she wanted to.

I knew she wanted to go home. We had been out almost all day, and now that she was off, I knew that we should just go back to her apartment. I paid for our food, then stood up and waited for her to come over to me.

It felt good to finally be able to hold her hand, or wrap my arms around her, and not have to worry about someone taking our picture. It didn't matter if someone photographed us together now, because it wasn't news. I wrapped my arm around her, and started walking back towards where we parked. Usually if I wrapped my arm around her, I would feel her relax into me, but that didn't happen.

"You good carter?" I asked her. I don't know what I was expecting her to say, I just wanted het to know that I was here for her.

"Yeah, im good, my stomach just hurts." She said weakly. I could tell that it was more than a stomach ache, but I didn't want to press her and make it worse, so my main focus was getting her home.

I stopped to turn around and hug her. I just really wanted to hold her. I was about to turn to her, when I felt it first, and then I heard the shot. I didn't care what happened to me, I just knew that someone was firing a gun at me and Carter, and the last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt.

As quick as I could, I turned around and grabbed her, holding my body against hers. I reached for the gun on my hip, and held it in my hand. I couldn't see where the shots were coming from, and I couldn't just fire into a crowd, as that would likely cause more harm than good. I just held onto Carter, using my body as a shield to protect her. I heard her scream my name, and that's the last thing I remember.

Carters pov

Everything was a blur. I counted each shot as I heard them. Bang. One. Bang. Two. Bang. Three. Bang. Four. Bang. Five. Bang. Six. Bang. Seven. If shes got a standard clip, then she should be out, and she'll have to reload, if she knows how. I waited a couple seconds, before I pulled away. K looked at me, like he was sorry. His body went limp against mine, and I struggled to bring him down to the ground.

I knew I had to stay calm. All I wanted to do was scream and cry, but that wasn't going to help anyone. I laid Kells down on the ground and scanned his body quickly. I could see a hole in his arm, 2 in his chest, 2 in his stomach, and he had one in his leg, which was bleeding profusely. I knew that the bullet had gone through his femoral artery. "Shit" I said quietly. I looked down at his hand, and saw his fingers wrapped tightly around his gun. I didn't want anyone to take it, so I grabbed it from him and put it in my purse, zipping it closed and putting it on my back.

I immediately took shirt off and put it against his leg, that wasn't doing enough to stop the bleeding though. I had now less than a minute to stop the bleeding, or I would watch my boyfriend die from blood loss. "Carter am I gonna die?" I heard Colson say. I made eye contact with him, and this time he looked nervous.

I didn't know what to tell him. I was focused on not letting him bleed out. "Not if I have a say." I shook my head at him, then let out a deep breath and pushed my fingers into his leg, I found the bleed, and held it with my fingers so that it stopped the bleeding.

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