2. about time

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Carters pov

Kells looked down at me. he looked all sweaty. "Are you the one that found my necklace?" his voice was honestly intimidating, so I just nodded at him. "and you gave me I'm assuming the chain from your necklace?" again, all I could do was nod. He put his hand under my chin. "You can speak you know, I'm not that scary," he spoke softer this time, and that seemed to snap me out of my trance.

"Yeah, yeah I know. It's a cheap chain, I don't even know where I got it from. Your necklace is worth a lot more than mine," I said quickly. He just looked at me and laughed a little

"I gotta thank you. whatever Jordan is paying you ill triple it."

"I can't accept that; he's already paying me more than any other gig I've had."

"I gotta at least pay you for the chain then."

"its like a dollar, don't sweat it."

"Then let me buy you a drink"

"I need to get home, it's a long drive." Despite my best protests, 30 minutes later I was at a little rinky dink club in Seattle, dancing with Machine Gun Kelly as we drank and smoked. One drink turned into 12 and the next thing I knew I could barely walk and Kells was holding me up So much for driving home tonight. I was lost in my own, cross faded thoughts, and his voice brought me back to reality

"Let's go back to my hotel room," his voice was low, and sent shivers down my spine. I just nodded, and let him lead me outside.

Colsons pov

She was way too fucked up to stay at that club. I gave slim the nod, meaning that I was leaving. I wrapped an arm behind carter and lead her out of the club, waiting on out uber.

Once we got to the hotel, I could really tell she was drunk. She couldn't stop laughing and if I wasn't holding on to her, she would have fallen with each step she took. As we stepped into the elevator, I looked down at the ground. It was silent for a while, then she spoke up "I just want you to know, we can't fuck."

"what?" I looked at her in shock. She was way too fucked up for me to even feel alright having sex with her

"I have a girlfriend, so we can't fuck," she stated simply. It was hard not to laugh when she was being so bold with me. As the elevator doors opened, I helped her down the hallway to the hotel room. Once we were inside, she stumbled onto the bed and laid down.

She needed to get changed out of her clothes. They were pretty tight and she reeked of tequila and Jameson. I grabbed one of my shirts out of my bag, then walked over to her "Come on, lets get you undressed." A muffled response came out of her mouth, so I took that as a sign of consent and helped her to sit up, then I took her shirt off.

I couldn't help but look at her body. Fuck, it was perfect. I blinked a few times, then put my shirt on her. I then unbuttoned her jeans, and slid them off of her. I left her to get comfortable, while I undressed, then laid down next to her. Not long after, she rolled over, putting her head on my chest, cuddling up to me.

Carters pov

I woke up, feeling crossfaded, but I couldn't remember why. I looked at who I was laying with and I panicked. Fuck, Kats gonna kill me. I instantly sat up and pushed him away from me. I heard a thud, then a groan as he hit the floor, he sat up and looked at me, with a "what the fuck was that for?" look.

"We didn't... did we fuck?" I was quick and to the point. I needed to know if I cheated.

He just laughed, shaking his head. 'Nah, you were pretty clear that that was not to happen," he chuckled, then sat on the bed again. He spent the next hour, telling me everything that happened.


"Fuck I gotta get back to Portland."

"just get on the tour bus, that's where we're going next"

"Kells, I drove here"

"then ill drive you."

"I can't ask you to do that."

"You're not, I offered. Now let's go. Wait... you need pants." He turned around and grabbed a pair of sweats out of his bag and handed them to me, then found my clothes and put them in his bag.

30 minutes later we were back at the concert venue where I parked my car. I handed Kells the keys, then got in the passenger's side, not saying anything "This is your car? A limited-edition Camaro?" He looked at me in shock before he got in.

"Just shut up and drive dingus, I need to sleep before I puke my brains out," I laughed slightly as I laid my head on the seatbelt "Do you know how to get to Portland or do you need directions?"

"If I say I need directions then will you stay awake?"


"Okay, then yes. I've never driven a car and I have no idea where I am. Where does this go?" He asked, holding up the key, making me laugh. 

A proper nightmareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang