17. LA baby

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I didn't get to talk to Colson for a week. He was busy with press releases, and working on his album, and I was busy with the movie. Despite my protests, I had to go back there, as it was my main source of income.

Finally, I got a phone call from Kells, and I wasn't busy, I was driving home. I don't think I have ever answered a call so quickly.

Kells: hey, you busy right now?

Carter: nope, im driving home.

K: good, I miss you baby

C: I miss you too

K: I didn't just call to say that, cuz you already know I miss you. I gotta surprise for you.

C: oh yeah? What is it babe?

K: if I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise, but I think you're gonna like it

I could hear someone yelling in the background for him.

K: fuck, babe I gotta go. I'll call you later ok?

C: yeah, yeah sure.

I hung up the phone. Somehow, we always got interrupted when we talked. It sucked, but there was nothing I could do. This whole long-distance thing was hard, and I hated it. I wanted him here, with me, right now. At the same time, I didn't want to break up with him because of it. If I ended things, I knew I would never get him back, and there was no way in hell that I was going to lose him.

I got home, and sulked upstairs into my apartment. I turned on some of his music, got high, and started cleaning. As I was scrubbing the shower, tears started falling down my face. I missed him. I really fucking missed him and the closest thing I would get to his voice, was his music.

Colsons pov

"Kells, hurry the fuck up we gotta go!" rook yelled at me. I didn't want to get off the phone with Carter, but I knew I had to, otherwise the guys would start asking questions.

"Fuck babe, I gotta go. I'll call you later ok?" my voice tapered. We both knew that the next time either of us called, the other would be busy. It was like that for a month. Its been like that since I left Portland.

"Yeah, yeah sure." She sounded upset, and I knew she was. She missed me, and I missed the fuck outta her. I wish that she would come to Los Angeles, but I knew she wouldn't. she liked her life in Portland too much. I had a plan though, I was gonna see her soon.

I got up and threw on a shirt, then walked out of my room, heading downstairs. I let out a deep breath as I grabbed my car keys. "alright fuckers, lets get outta here and fucking party." I threw Baze the keys, and got in the front seat. There was no way my ass was driving tonight, or any night. I was gonna get fucked up, just like every night.

It reminded me of that night we did coke together. I was chasing the high of that night, but nothing even came close to how I felt that night, with her.

Girls were all over me that night, and usually I was into it, but I just couldn't. Something didn't feel right, and I was tired of it. I pushed them off me and walked out of the club. I needed some fucking air. I walked out of the back door and leaned my back against the brick wall and took a deep breath in. I nodded my head down as I slid down the wall. I didn't realize it at first, but tears spilled down my cheeks as the midnight breeze cooled my face down. Fuck. I missed my girlfriend.


Carters pov

I was exhausted. Between photography, and working on the movie, I was drained. I almost passed out on the couch in the makeup trailer, but then I remember the last time I was on this couch, and I instantly felt disgusted. I got up, and moved into the chair sitting across from me.

A proper nightmareМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя