4. uh oh... again

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Hey guys, just wanted to put a disclaimer that this chapter talks about sex stuff and sex stuff that's nonconsensual. If that stuff isn't for you, then skip this chapter. Otherwise, enjoy!

6 months later

Carters pov

Kat and I got back together. She asked to meet up, and we sorted things out, so we've been together for 5 months. We are currently in Los Angeles on vacation, and my friend Dani was having a birthday party tonight at a club.

"Kat baby are you sure you're ok with going out separately tonight?" I asked from the bathroom

"Yeah babe, I don't like Dani and you don't like Kayla, so it works out if we go our separate ways tonight."

I walked to her and placed a kiss on her forehead "Okay, I love you" I smiled and grabbed my phone "ill see you tonight yeah?" She nodded, and I left the hotel room, going downstairs to wait for my uber.

At the club

We all got into the club, and the first thing I did was go to the bar and get a drink. As soon as I went to turn around, there was a very attractive girl standing in from of me. She had dark hair, nice eyebrows and looked to be Italian. Whatever she was, she was gorgeous. she smiled and tilted her head slightly "well I was going to ask if I could buy you a drink, but you already got one, so can I convince you to dance with me?" I smiled back at her. I was going to tell her I had a girlfriend, but it was just a dance, its not like it was going to lead to anything else right?

"id love to dance, but im gonna need another drink first" I downed my first drink, and let the woman buy me 2 shots of tequila. After that, I let her lead me to the dance floor, where we both danced against each other, grinding on each other. At one point she handed me a drink, which I gladly took, as I was nowhere near drunk enough.

As the night wore on, we kept dancing and drinking. I never let it go any further than dancing. After a few hours and plenty of drinks, my head started to feel fuzzy and I had a hard time standing. "I... I think I need to g-go home," I slurred my words as I spoke.

"Here, lets get you somewhere a little quieter" she coaxed, and helped me to what I thought was outside, but it was actually a back room of the club. She set me on the counter and started to take my clothes off.

I tried to stop her, but I was too fucked up to actually get anywhere. I could barely speak, and my vision was going blurry. She was speaking to me, but I couldn't make out what she was saying, it was all muffled. I felt her take my pants off as I tried to get away, she gripped my thighs so hard I yelped in pain.

I wanted to yell, scream, do something to let someone know what was going on. At one point I started crying. The next thing I know, she has a death grip on my wrist and is making me finger her.

After what felt like hours of torture, she finally got herself dressed and walked out of the room. I could feel everything that she touched, and it hurt. It really fucking hurt. I managed to get my phone, and I texted Kat

Carter: baby come get me from the club

C: I need you please

Kat: just get an uber im having fun

C: please, something happened

K: get Dani to call you an uber

K: ill see you when I get back to the hotel

I wanted to cry even more than I already was. I just wanted my girlfriend to come get me and hold me, but at this point she couldn't care less about me. I knew I needed someone to help me, but I didn't know anyone else in LA. Wait, Kells might be in LA. It didn't hurt to text him, so I did

Carter: are you in LA rn?

Kells: yeah wassup?

C: can you come get me? its an emergency

K: where are you?

C: Lure

He read the message, but didn't respond. 15 minutes later I heard someone open the door to where I was at. I was scared it was her again, so I hid my face and tried to curl up into a ball.

"fuck. Carter lets get you out of here" Kells put his hand on my shoulder. I tensed up, but once I realized it was him, I relaxed slightly. He put his jacket around me, then picked me up and carried me out of that awful room. After that, I don't remember anything

Colsons pov

We were all in LA for now working with my label on getting the new album together. Slim, rook and I decided to go to a club, and we ended up at Lure since there was always some fine ass girls there. We were all drunk and smoking when my phone went off. It was a text from carter. As soon as she asked if I could get her, I told the guys "Yo I gotta go get someone, use my card and get an uber or some shit" I stood up and looked down at my phone. Fuck. She's at lure? How did I not see her? I immediately started looking for her.

Rook came up behind me "Bro what the fuck are you doing?" I didn't respond, I was too focused on finding carter. I didn't see her on the dance floor, which means she had to be in one of the back rooms. I ran down the hallway and looked in every door that was unlocked. When I opened the 4th door, that's when I saw her. Her clothes were torn off of her and she was curled up in a ball. My heart broke for her. I started to see red. I wanted to kill whoever did this to her, but I knew I needed to get her out of here. I took my jacket off and put it around her, then picked her up and carried her outside.

Once the cool air hit her, she just passed out in my arms, and I felt her whole body go limp. I got her in the passenger seat and I ran around to the driver's side. Once I got onto the road, I held her wrist, making sure she still had a pulse.

I pulled into the driveway of my house, then picked Carter up and carried her inside. As soon as the door opened. I yelled for Ashleigh. When I didn't hear her, I yelled louder as I brought carter up to my room. She must have been sleeping, because Ashleigh walked into my room rubbing her eyes, and she looked pissed off "What the fuck do you-... K why the fuck do you got a passed out naked girl in your bed and where the hell is rook and slim?" she woke up pretty quickly when she realized what was going on

"This is carter. We were at the club when she texted me. Some dude raped her or something. I found her like this and I couldn't leave her there. Ash what do I do?" I looked at her, confusion and fear across my face.

"Go to my room and grab a pair of shorts and grab a bottle of water" I did as she instructed, then she kicked me out of my own room and shut the door, locking it. I could her talking to carter, but she never got a response other than a muffled groan.

20 minutes later my door opened. "Go in there and shower so you don't stink, then lay down with her. Do NOT touch her unless she touches you first, and don't you dare fuck her." I listened to everything Ash said. I didn't know what to do, but I didn't want to make anything worse for carter.

"Ash, is she gonna be ok?"

"I don't know, but she's sleeping. You're gonna have to fill in a lot of blanks for her and she's gonna need someone to be there for her. Just show her that she's safe here, with you," she gave me a weak smile "goodnight k, call me if you need anything, don't yell my name across the house," and with that, she was gone.

I did as ash told me to. I took a shower, then put on a pair of shorts, and laid down next to her. All I wanted to do was cuddle her and tell her it was all gonna be ok, but I did what ash said to do. I didn't touch her until she turned over and laid her head on me. Once she did, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. I couldn't sleep the whole night, I just watched carter breathe and felt her heartbeat. 

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