23. go away

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2 months later

Carters pov

K was performing tonight, so we were at the venue in LA setting up. I was helping Rook set up his drums, while the rest of the crew was setting up keyboards, guitars, speakers, amps, microphones, and anything else he needed to perform.

I heard a faint crashing sound, then someone yelled, "Fuck!" I didn't know who yelled it, but I knew something happened.

I was setting up the cymbals when Slim came running out onto the stage, out of breath. "Baby K, you gotta go see Kells. He needs you." he said inbetween his pants.

"Where is he?"

"Dressing room."

Immediately I dropped everything. I started running, jumping off the stage and going down the hallway where his dressing room was. My heart beat faster and faster, and my stomach turned in knots as my hand rested on the doorknob. I didn't know what was wrong with him, but my mind was sent into a panic.

I swung open the door and saw K with a shirt around his hand and he was pacing. It was obvious he was panicking too. He was breathing heavy, but I could see it was shallow. His eyes were wide and his whole face just looked scared, and nervous.

My emotions left me as soon as I closed that door, leaving them on the other side of his dressing room. How I felt right now didn't matter, my only focus was on Colson. "K, baby what's going on?" I spoke softly so that I didn't make his anxiety worse.

He stopped pacing as soon as he heard me and rushed over to me. He ducked down and wrapped his arms around my waist, laying his head on my chest. He didn't say anything as he did this, he just sobbed into me. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders, rubbing his back. "Shh, shh its ok. I'm right here. I'm right here baby. Deep breaths" I coo softly in his ear. It took a few minutes, but I finally felt his body relax from its tense state.

Eventually I got him to sit down, but he was still latched onto me. "What happened to your hand?" I tried to get him to pull away, but he was clutching onto me, his arms clenched tightly around my small frame.

"Dub dropped a pallet on it." He said into my chest.

"Let me see, please baby." I used my soft voice, trying to coax him into doing that I asked.

His grip slowly loosened on me, and after a few minutes he sat up straighter and let go of me completely. He took the shirt off his hand and showed me his shaking fingers. Immediately I took his hand in mine and began inspecting it.

There was a red line down his fingers where the edge of the pallet must have fallen. There was some blood, but not a whole bunch. His hand was purple and blue from the bruising and his hand was swelling. His hand didn't look broken, but his middle and ring finger did. "You don't need stitches but I think 2 of your fingers are broken. I'll fix you up for the show but you'll have to go get x-rays tomorrow ok?" he looked at me, and I could tell he wanted to argue, but he didn't say anything.

I let go of his hand and walked out to the car to grab my med bag. I always had it on me in case one of the boys did something stupid, which was pretty much anytime we left the house. I came back in, and the first thing I did was clean his hand. There was some dirt, but mostly it was just dried blood. Once that was done, I taped his fingers. It was towards the base of his fingers and I didn't have splints long enough for his fingers. He winced as I taped his hand. I felt bad for putting him in pain, but if I didn't do it, his hand would be worse. I wrapped his hand in compression wrap to help with the swelling, but there is now way he would be able to play his guitar tonight. When I was finished, I cleaned everything up.

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