5. smoke and get high

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The next morning

Carters pov

Fuck, everything hurts. I opened my eyes, and saw tattoos. Lots and lots of tattoos. I looked up and was met with bloodshot, blue eyes. His face lit up when I looked up at him "hey, you're awake" he smiled, then frowned slightly "What do you remember from last night?"

Why is he asking me that? The last thing I remember was dancing with that girl. How did I end up here? It took me awhile to think of what happened. I looked down at my body and saw I was covered in scratches and bruises. That's when it hit me, all at once. I couldn't respond to Kells, I just broke down crying.

"its ok carter. Im not gonna let anything bad happen to you" Kells said as he held me tighter. I cried into his chest, and we stayed that way for a long time, before I remembered Kat. She's gonna kill me if she finds out I was with Kells last night.

"I tried to ask Kat to come get me, but she told me to call an uber," my voice was hoarse from crying "she left me when I needed her most" tears streamed down my face

"I didn't know you guys got back together"

"yeah, it happened like a month after the concert"

"so, she's in LA with you?"

"yeah, we came down here for a vacation. She's gonna kill me if she knows I was with you"

"are you gonna tell her what happened last night?"

"Can you drive me back to my hotel so I can talk to her?" I looked up at him, and he nodded. "Yeah, let's go"


Kells dropped me off and I went up to my hotel room. I had to tell Kat what happened, but I couldn't tell her Kells was the one who got me. I knocked on the door, as I no longer had my hotel key. Kat opened the door, and I thought she was gonna hit me, but instead she turned around and walked away, sitting on the bed

"so, you text me and tell me you need me to get you and then you don't come back until right now?" I could tell I had woken her up "I've been worried sick all-night carter"

"well obviously not that worried considering I just woke you- " she interrupted me.

"that's not what you were wearing last night. Who's clothes are those carter?"

Fuck. Im wearing Kells shirt. "I... ash gave me some clothes because.... Kat, I got raped by a girl last night... that's why I needed you to get me," I choked up, holding back tears

"oh yeah sure. You got raped last night. Okay sure. You just fucked someone last night but you don't want me to break up with you so you come up with the excuse that you got raped."

"Kat it's not-"

"no, we've already been through this. Once a cheater always a cheater. Im done with you carter. For good"

"Kat why would I lie? I seriously got-"

"im tired of this. We are through. Take your shit and get out." I just stood there, shocked. "Get out!" she screamed and threw some of my clothes at me. I grabbed my suitcase and packed all of my stuff into it. I didn't say anything to her as I walked out of the hotel room.

I had nowhere to go, so I called Kells. He picked up the phone almost immediately.


"yeah. Umm can you come get me from the hotel?" I tried to hold back tears

"ill be there in 15. What's wrong? What happened?"

"Ill explain when you get here. Please" I don't know why I said please, but I felt I needed to. Kells hung up the phone. I sat outside of the hotel, waiting for him.

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