13. run

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Colsons pov.

Once carter was done, and I was a panting mess, I pulled my pants back up, and she straddled my lap once again. She wrapped her arms around my torso and laid her head on my shoulder. She clung to me like a lost puppy, it was adorable. She waited for my breathing to return to normal, before moving off me. She grabbed some clothes, then changed out of the lingerie and into something more comfortable. She laid down on her bed behind me, and I followed suit. I laid my head on her chest, it was my turn to be clingy. She played with my hair and rubbed my back gently.

"Why do you not like people touching you?" she spoke softly. She didn't sound mad, just curious.

I sighed heavily, not wanting to answer her question, but I knew I had to. "It's not that I don't like it. Its just that no one ever touches me like that, and its hard for me to not flinch when someone touches me that I can't see, or im not expecting it." The weird thing was, during a concert when fans grabbed me, I had no reaction to it. During a show, I expect people to grab me and touch me, and there's no intimacy, so maybe that's why.

"oh... im sorry. I'll stop" she stopped touching my back and pulled away. I didn't like that her body felt tense underneath me.

"I don't want you to stop Carter. You're the only one who touches me like that" I looked up at her. "Please, touch my back, trace my tattoos, lay on me, rest your head on me, I don't care. I just need your touch, ill get over why I tense up." I studied her face, trying to read her expression. She didn't respond for awhile

"I don't want you to feel scared or anxious around me. If you don't like me doing something, please tell me ok?" she looked down at me, concern laced her eyes. She returned her hand to my back, but she didn't move it. I was a little upset, but I was happy to have her touching me again.

"I promise ill let you know." I gave her a half smile and leaned up to kiss her. She returned the gesture, locking her lips with mine. I moved so that I was on top of her, hovering over her small body. We continued to make out until she pulled away.

"This is enough emotion for me today. Im exhausted Colson." She looked up at me with disappointment written all over her face. Usually id be annoyed when a girl denied me sex, but she was right. A lot happened today, so I was content with waiting until another time

"Yeah, you're right. Its been a long day. Let's get some sleep" I fell against the bed next to her, laying on my side. She turned away from me, and leaned back against me, effectively making her the little spoon


Carters pov

I woke up feeling exhausted, but also well rested. I knew the exhaustion was from the anxiety attack, but the well-rested feeling was from getting a good night's sleep since I left LA. I rolled over to see Kells laying on his stomach, sprawled out on my bed, passed the fuck out. I smiled at the sight of the tattooed man next to me. I got up and took a shower, then got ready for the day as he slept.

I was finishing my makeup when he finally stirred awake. He watched me for a few minutes before finally speaking "Where are you going looking all hot like that" he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

I smiled at his compliment. "I have to go to set, I'm lead artist" I spoke simply as I applied my false lashes.

"Set? Like movie set?"

I nodded "It's a small budget film, but yes"

"damn" he smiled and laughed a little before getting up and stretching. He came over to me and leaned down, kissing the top of my head. "Ima shower, don't leave before I get out"

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