30. meet casie

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"I know you've been through a lot today, but Rook is about to bring Cas in. She needs to hear what's going on from you"

I let out a deep breath, and looked back at him. "She's gonna hate me. She loves you can you stay with me when I talk to her?" I asked him

"No Carter, you have to do this by yourself. She needs to hear it from you. I'll be right inside the doors if you need anything." He said before he let go of me, and walked away, leaving me alone.

A few seconds later, Rook walked through the door with an adorable, curly haired, light skin little girl who on any other occasion, I would have felt more comfortable meeting. However, in this time, I was absolutely terrified of her, and I didn't have K to help calm me down.

Rook gave me a weak smile, and shrugged his shoulders. He bent down, and whispered something to Casie, then stood up and walked out of the waiting room, leaving us alone. She walked over to me, looking up as I stood over her, due to the height difference in us. "No one will tell me what's going on, they keep saying that I have to wait for you. so start talking" she huffed at me.

"Do you know who I am?"

"are you my dad's girlfriend of the week or something? I really don't care who you are" she said as she crossed her arms.

"Yes, and no. I am his girlfriend, for over a year." I told her.

"Yeah right. Like he can keep a girl that long. You'll be gone before the end of the week" she scoffed at me as she spoke.

I looked down at her and let out a deep breath, then walked over to the chairs and sat down. I knew she was just getting an attitude because she was scared, and I honestly didn't really care. "Look I get that you don't like me, but quite frankly I don't give a fuck. I have spent the past week on edge with nothing to help calm me down. I watched your dad use himself as a human shield to protect me while someone shot at us. Just when I thought it was all over, I had to stick my fingers in his leg and hold his artery closed so that he didn't bleed out and die. I had to stick my fingers in his fucking leg I am still covered in his blood because I have spent the past 2 hours explaining to everyone individually what the hell happened to your dad. I have not slept in 2 days, and I have lord knows how many stitches in my stomach and my leg. I want to cry, but I'm so dehydrated that my tear ducts burn. Your dad has 7 IV's and a ventilator breathing for him because his body is so weak, he can't do it on his own. He can't even breathe by himself he has to have a machine do it for him. Everyone is looking to me for answers I don't have. So excuse me, if pleasing you, and making you feel happy isn't my first priority. Your dad is in room 422" I said in a calm tone. I wasn't one for yelling to begin with, and my voice was pretty much gone from crying, so even if I wanted to yell there was no way I could raise my voice. I stood up, and walked away, out of the ICU waiting room.

I needed some air, and I needed some weed. My anxiety was through the roof and I had nothing to help me calm down. I didn't even have my car, which would have what I needed to make some of the feeling go away. I walked down the hall, completely unaware of where I was even going. I eventually found the elevator, and stepped inside, waiting for the doors to close.

Just as the doors were closing, someone stepped inside the elevator, getting hit by the door. "Carter wait!" Pete yelled as he jumped in the elevator with me. He quickly pressed the floor right below us. "You don't wanna go down there, seriously." He stood in front of me, looking down at me. Him and Kells were a pretty similar height, but he was a bit shorter.

"I need to breathe Pete, and I can't do it in there." I pleaded with him. I just needed some space, and fresh air. I felt like I was suffocating, breathing in the sick, death filled air of the hospital.

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