21. spotted

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After we ate, Kells drove us back to where the bus was parked. We put our bags on the bus, then he got on the bus, and I stayed out to smoke before we left.

The rest of the crew arrived not long after we did. Most of them just got on the bus, but Rook stayed outside with me. "How was your weekend with your boyfriend?" he tried to tease me.

"really good actually, we practically fucked for 2 days straight. Care for me to elaborate?" I raised my eyebrows at him, and smiled.

"Ew gross no, I already have to hear you sucking his dick on the bus." He grimaced and gave me a disgusted look. "You're a nasty bitch," he rolled his eyes and turned around, walking onto the bus.

"Takes on to know one Rookie," I laughed at him, then followed him onto the bus.

Once we were all settled, the bus started moving. Again, we were all left to our own devices. Kells was running beats with Slim and Baze. Rook was beating everything in sight with his drum sticks, and Ash was on the phone with god knows who. I had no idea what the rest of the crew was doing, and quite frankly I didn't really care. All I know was that everyone was being loud, and I was getting a migraine. I hated the bunks, but that seemed to be the one place that people weren't making noise. I grabbed my headphones, and laid on K's bunk, watching Netflix. Even though my bunk was the one directly above his, I preferred K's over mine, because he always had snacks, and usually some form of drugs or alcohol, whereas mine was neat and tidy, with just my backpack and blankets. Plus, Kells' bunk smelled like him, and if I couldn't be with him, this was the best I could get.

I mindlessly watched Netflix for awhile. I zoned out, but everytime we hit a bump, I was brought back to reality. After a few hours, someone pulled open the curtain to the bunk I was in, through surprising both of us. "Fuck Carter you scared me." K held his chest dramatically. "Why are you in my bunk baby?" he looked at me confused.

"It's quiet, and you guys are all so loud, its giving me a headache." I took my headphones off and scooted over so that K could get in if he wanted to.

"fuck im sorry Baby K." He got into his bunk and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead. "we are done now."

I nodded and cuddled into him. The space in his bed was pretty small, so I basically laid on top of him. I could feel his whole body relax under me, and he just held me close to him. Not long after he laid down with me, he was passed the fuck out.

I don't know how he slept on the bus. Anytime we were moving I couldn't sleep, because I would be jolted awake, and most of the time we only stopped at venues and for gas, so in the past 4 months I had lived off of 20-minute power naps. Colson always tried to get me to sleep whenever he could, but most of the time it wouldn't work. He always had to leave, and when he left, I would have nightmares, which only made everyone suffer because I would wake them up from screaming or crying.


Colson's pov

After a long night of partying, me and the crew made our way back to the bus. I really wanted Carter to come, but she said she was gonna try to get some sleep, so I didn't push her on the matter. I knew she wasn't sleeping much, so I wanted her to get as much as she could.

I stumbled to the back of the bus, trying to be quiet so I didn't wake her. I was drunk as fuck, but all I wanted to do was cuddle my baby. I took my shirt off and laid down on the couch in front of her, covering us both with a blanket. As soon as my arms were around her, I felt her relax into me, not even waking up.

I laid with her for probably an hour, but fuck I really had to pee. I slowly got up, doing my best not to wake her, and I went up to the front of the bus where the bathroom was.

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