11. goodbye... pt.2

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I turned to leave, but he stopped me.



"Call me Colson." He gave me a smile, then got in his car.

I stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do. I nodded softly and took my suitcase, walking into the airport. He didn't leave until he saw me go through the sliding doors of LAX.

I walked up to the counter to check my bag and get my plane ticket. I gave the lady my information, and she smiled at me "ok carter, is this your only bag? Because you can check 2 for free with a first-class ticket"

"hmm?" I definitely couldn't afford a first-class ticket. "Are you sure you put in the right name?"

The nice lady looked at my ID, then at her computer, then back at me before nodding "Yes, you've been upgraded to first class"

"Oh, ok thank you." She gave me my luggage tags, then sent me on my way.

After I got through security I sat down, waiting for my flight number to be called. I was listening to music when I got a text. Looking at the lock screen, I smiled when I saw who it was.

Kells: Hope you don't mind I upgraded your ticket. Can't have you flying in anything but first class.

Carter: Thank you

Kells is typing...

I saw the three dots come up, but the attendants were calling my flight, so I didn't have time to see what he said. I stood up and walked up to the desk. The lady scanned my ticket, and with that, I was on my way home. Far, Far away from Los Angeles. And Colson Baker.

Colsons pov

I had to run to the studio. Diddy called and said that one of the tracks didn't come out right, so I had to rerecord it. I wanted to spend the day with carter, but she was probably getting sick of me anyway.

The session took longer than expected, and I had a few other errands to run, so I didn't get back until around 7pm. They guys wanted to go to a club, but I just wanted to go home and sleep. Besides, I missed her. She hadn't texted me all day, and I wanted to see her before I did anything else.

I got back to the house, and looked in the living room for her. She wasn't there, but Ash was watching tv. A pit formed in my stomach when I couldn't find her. She saw me and mouthed "Upstairs." I immediately looked at the stairs, almost running up them, my long legs taking them 2 at a time. Once I got upstairs, I took a right, going down the long hallways and opening the last door. As soon as I opened the door, my anxiety decreased as I saw her sitting on my bed. It rose again when I saw her clothes were no longer around my room. Fuck. She's leaving. "Im home," I spoke to try and get her attention, and it worked. I saw her expression change when she finally noticed me. I walked over to her and hugged her. I rested my head on hers, instantly feeling all of my worries go away. Nothing else mattered, as long as I came home to this.

All I wanted to do was hold her, but she didn't seem to want that. I was about to pull away when she stood up and hugged me. Her hugs felt amazing, but this one was different. She still felt tense. I pulled away and put my hands on her shoulders. "What's wrong?" I wanted her to just tell me. I wanted to make all of her problems go away so she could live without a care in the world.

"Im leaving tonight. My flight leaves at 11." She wouldn't look at me, but I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I wasn't mad at her, I was hurt. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted carter here, with me. I wanted to know why she was leaving, but I knew she wouldn't give me a straight answer. I didn't know if I wanted to scream or cry, or even what emotion I was feeling, but I didn't like it.

I turned to leave but she grabbed my hand. I had to turn around, but I wish I didn't. She looked at me with broken eyes. Her voice sounded more broken than she looked. "please don't be mad at me." She doesn't wanna leave either. Stop her. I couldn't speak

"You want to leave." Was all I managed to say. I shrugged, which was my way or trying to tell her that I wasn't mad her.

As much as I wanted to spend her last hour alone in my bedroom, I couldn't. I walked out, leaving her in my room. I walked downstairs and sat down next to Ash. She was the one person that I could go to anything about, no questions asked.

I didn't even have to speak and she knew what was wrong. "Carters leaving, isn't she?" she spoke softly, her way of comforting me.

I couldn't speak, I just nodded. She sighed and put her hand on my leg "K you gotta let her go. She got a life outside of you and you definitely have a life outside of her" she was right, like always. I just didn't want to admit it.

"I know ash. But that don't mean that I want her gone" I groaned as I leaned back in the couch

"She'll be back. Just let her do her thing" she smiled at got up, leaving me alone in the living room. I pulled my phone out and called the airline to upgrade her ticket. I was not about to let her fly economy class. She's too good for that.


5 months later

Its been 5 months without her and I fucking hate it. She texts me, but I can't bring myself to respond. I don't wanna text her while she's in Portland and im wherever the fuck im at. I want her here with me or I don't want her at all. Who am I fucking kidding? I want her all the time. I can't be without her.

Fuck this. 

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