31. is this the end?

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 1 week later

Carters pov

Its been a week since K got shot, and I haven't left the hospital. The media and fan presence finally died down, so it wasn't as hard for the rest of the family to leave. A few other people had shown up, all of them considered Col's friends and family. The main crew was still staying at my house, but everyone else got a hotel not far from the hospital.

I stepped out of the bathroom, still drying my hair as I closed the door behind me. Slim was standing at the doorway, and he looked like he was waiting on me, since his face perked up when he saw me. "There some guys who want to talk to you Baby K." he said quietly.

I gave him a confused look, tilting my head to the side. "who?" I asked as I grabbed my rap devil hoodie and put it on, waiting for a response.

"Cops. They are in the waiting room. I told everyone else to go to the cafeteria." He said in the same tone.

I nodded, then set my towel down on the chair. "Stay here please. I don't want him alone." I said truthfully. The main reason why I stayed all the time was because I never wanted Colson to be alone, and I didn't want to put that burden on anyone else.

Slim nodded, and walked over to the bed, and sat down in the chair I was usually at. I walked out to the waiting room, and saw one of the cops from last time, and a woman in a pantsuit. "Hi Ms. Castro. You remember me from about a week ago right?" the man asked me. I read his nametag, which said Garcia. I gave him a small nod, which he returned. "Good. This is Detective Harris, shes been assigned to the case. Do you mind if we ask you a few more questions?" he spoke calmly

I gave him a small nod, then walked closer to the officers and sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room, while they turned and stood over me for a moment. Officer Garcia stayed standing, and the detective sat down in the chair next to mine, and pulled out a mini notebook

"You told the officers last week that you thought your lover was the one who shot at you?" she asked in an almost condescending tone.

I shook my head quickly at her. I didn't like what she was insinuating, which immediately made me defensive. "No, I said that my ex-girlfriend was jealous of my boyfriend, and that she called me 6 days before Colson got shot and told me it would be a shame if something happened to either of us." I said clearly, making sure both her and the officer heard me.

"And you know it was her how?" she asked as she wrote something down.

"She called from an unknown number, because I blocked her on everything else. But I know her voice. We were together for almost 3 years, I know what her voice sounds like on the phone."

"Yeah but you didn't recognize her phone number so how do you know it was really her?" she started to speak, but officer Garcia stopped her.

"I think she knows who called her Emm." He said sternly, but still in his calm tone. He tured his attention towards me and gave me an apologetic nod "Do you know if she owns a gun?"

"her dad is really big on hunting. Unless she bought it recently, she doesn't have a gun in her name, but her dad has probably a hundred different guns," I spoke quietly, trying to remember everything I could about kat. It had been over a year since we broke up, and I shut her out of my mind. "the gun was a .357, glock I think, but I could be wrong on the make."

Detective Harris stopped writing and looked up at me, with a shocked and confused face. "What gun? The one used in the shooting? How could you possibly know that?" she said quickly.

"Because I know what a .357 sounds and feels like. When we would visit her family, her dad would take us shooting and her favourite gun was a Glock G31, which is a .357" I told her. She was starting to frustrate me, I just wanted to leave. "Look I really don't know what more you want me to tell you. I have a crazy ex, who threatened me and then a week later me and my boyfriend get shot. I've told your officers everything I know, and you aren't asking me any questions that I haven't already answered." I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote my phone number down, then handed it to Officer Garcia. "If you have any questions, call or text me." I said before I got up, and walked back towards Colsons room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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