18. tour bus

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Colsons pov

Carter was tired, which meant she was gonna want to smoke, and nap. That also meant I had to go get her a drink, because she gets the worst fucking cottonmouth I've ever seen.

I got up and walked downstairs to get her a Gatorade, and a bottle of water. As I was walking into the kitchen, I heard Rook and Slim chatting in the living room.

"You remember all the dumb shit she was doin with us at the club?" I heard slim say. I decided to investigate, and eavesdrop a little. As I was walking towards the living room, I heard rook talk.

"If he thinks we are all jealous, hes fucking right" he laughed at the end of it.

My blood fucking boiled. I swear to god if he was talking about my girl. I mean yeah, I tried to keep her away from the guys because I didn't want them to get jealous of what I had. She was perfect. I mean of course she had her flaws, but she was amazing. She was hot as fuck, funny as fuck, smart as fuck, and she knew how to fuck real good.

"Jealous of what?" I had to fucking ask. I needed to know.

"Uhh nothing..." rook looked at me wide eyed, like a deer caught in headlights. I knew rook wasn't gonna tell me, so I turned to Slim. I knew he would tell me, whether it was now, or later in a private conversation.

Slim gave me a similar look, but he was the one that fessed up. "We was just bullshitting about your girl man, nothing bad." He gave me a reassuring nod, except it wasn't to reassuring.

My fists clenched around the bottles I was holding in my hands. I knew I didn't really have a reason to be mad, they were just being honest. If they wanted to talk about Carter, there was nothing I could do to stop them. "you sure about that?" I knew they would say some shit about me not commenting on Slim saying she was my girl, but I didn't really care.

Both of them nodded, neither of them really knew what to say. "You guys are jealous that shes with me, and not with either of you?" I tried to keep my voice calm. If I sounded mad, they wouldn't tell me the truth.

"Yeah man, just a little," rook chimed in. I was honestly surprised that he was the one that spoke up. Usually, he let Slim do the talking, especially about shit like this. "So shes really yours huh?" he spoke nervously.

"yeah, shes my girl." I scratched my the back of my neck. I was kinda nervous admitting it to them, since I had kept it a secret from people I consider my family for so long. I sat down in the chair that was on the side of the couch where they were sitting. "You guys are cool with her right?" I wanted to know what they thought of her, because the last thing I wanted was issues between Carter and my family.

"Man did you not hear our whole ass fucking conversation? Shes fucking awesome." Slim rolled his eyes at me, like I was the stupid one for asking that.

"Shes really fucking important to me, but I wanna make sure that you guys are all chill with her." I gave Slim the look, and he knew exactly what I was tryna say.

"Look bro, I cant speak for no one else in the house, but shes chill. I like her. Do I wish I had the chance to claim her? Hell yeah man. But im just glad shes with someone in our crew, because fuck shes hilarious, and she fits in with us." He leaned forward, showing his sincerity.

"Man we all fucking like her. We are all jealous of the shit you guys have, but that doesn't mean that we wont support your relationship with her." Rook piped up.

I was happy to hear that they were ok with her, and that they supported my relationship with her. "Alright, im glad to fucking hear that. We were gonna tell everyone before we left for tour, so don't mention it to the rest of the crew." The nodded as I stood up. "Im gonna go back upstairs, shes gotta have hella cottonmouth by now."

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