10. goodbye

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Carters pov

When I woke up, Kells was passed out next to me. My eyes hurt from crying so much, so I closed them again and went back to sleep. The next time my eyes opened, there was no tattooed man next to me. I checked my phone for the time, when I saw I had a text from Kells

Kells: I had to run some errands and I didn't want to wake you. Ill be back later. Rook and ash are still at the house

I smiled and got up out of bed. I showered and changed into leggings and a hoodie because his house was fucking freezing. I made my way to downstairs to see Ash sitting on the couch, watching tv. She must have heard me, because she turned around and looked at me. She furrowed her brows and tilted her head to the side "You're still here?" she asked me. I know she didn't mean it, but it came off like she didn't want me here

"uhh yeah, K hasn't said when he wants me to go yet" I really didn't know what else to say

She let out a long sigh as she patted the couch next to her, signaling for me to sit down. I already knew where this was going, and I was not looking forward to it, but I complied and sat down next to her. "Hun, if he chooses when you leave, then you'll probably never go home."

What the fuck? That don't sound right. I shake my head at her "what do you mean?"

"Carter, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize there's something going on between you guys. If there wasn't, you would have never been in this house in the first place"

I groaned. Loudly. "There's nothing going on between us. I just gotten broken up with again. We are just friends. That's it." I think at this point I was trying to convince myself that more than her. Based on the look she gave me, she didn't believe me

"right. You guys are just friends who fuck occasionally," her tone was dripping with sarcasm "If you are just friends, then you need to make that really clear to Kells, because it's obvious he wants to be more than that."

"I-..." I didn't know what to say. What's more than friends to him? Dating? Friends with benefits? Marriage? I just got up and walked back upstairs.


While Kells was gone I packed up my suitcase. My clothes had slowly ended up all over his room, but now I needed them neat in my luggage. I walked into his closet, looking for a specific hoodie. I couldn't find it, so I grabbed one of his rap devil hoodies and put it in my bag as well.

Once my bag was packed, I sat on his bed, waiting for him to come home. Hopefully it was soon, because my flight was tonight, and I was leaving whether either of us liked it or not. I had to. I also had to think of an excuse as to why I was leaving, because "ash told me some shit and you're never gonna let me go home," wasn't gonna sit well.

I was lost in thought when I heard the bedroom door open. I snapped out of my daze just in time to hear the voice. Soft, but excited. "I'm home," was all he said. He smiled his perfect smile and came over to me, wrapping his arms over my shoulders. Fuck. How am I supposed to tell him I'm leaving when he's this happy to see me?

I stood up and hugged him back, wrapping my arms around his slender waist. He rested his head on mine and took a deep breath. I could feel his whole body relax when I reciprocated his affection. Usually I would too, but I was too scared this would be the last time I got to hold him.

He must have noticed, because he pulled away, holding my shoulders. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes, and I wanted to melt. The sternness of his voice, laced with concern brought me out the trance his eyes put me in. "What's wrong?" those two words about sent me into a panic, but I kept my cool.

I had to tell him. Im leaving tonight so I couldn't hide it. I let out a deep breath and looked at his chest, which was at my eye level. I couldn't look him in the eye. "Im leaving today. My flight leaves at 11."

I thought he would pull away from me, but he didn't. his hands just dropped off of me and he looked at me. I couldn't tell if he was hurt, or pissed off. Probably both. He checked his phone, then looked back at me. I could feel his eyes burning holes into my head. "Ill drive you to the airport in an hour." He sighed, then turned to walk away. I tried to stop him by grabbing his hand, and to my surprise he stopped, but he didn't say anything.

"K wait... please don't be mad at me."

"You want to leave." He shrugged and walked out of the door, leaving me once again, alone in his bedroom.

At the airport

I thought Kells was just going to drop me off and leave, but once he stopped the car, he got out and grabbed my bag, waiting for me at the trunk of the car. I got out and walked back to him. I didn't know what to say. I knew he was hurt, I was too, but I had to go back. I couldn't lead him on like this. Plus, I had a life back in Portland.

I was about to walk away, but he grabbed my waist and hugged me, tighter, and with more purpose than he ever had before. He buried his face deep into the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms over him and we stayed like that for several minutes. Right before he pulled away, he whispered "don't leave forever" he pulled away, holding my hips as he looked down at me "Ill see you soon ok carter?"

I couldn't tell if he was trying to ease either of our pain, or if he actually meant it. I just nodded and smiled. "Yeah, see you soon Kells" I turned to leave, but he stopped me.


A/N: Happy new years! im spending this one alone in my room because my crush cant come and smoke with me

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