3. uh oh

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Carters pov

Two hours later

I sat up as we pulled into the parking garage. I told him where to park, then went to get out, but he stopped me. "You're not gonna make me wait out in public for the guys to come get me, are you?" he looked at me with a serious face, like I actually was gonna do that. I just laughed and shook my head as I got out. Kells grabbed his bag, then handed me my keys and followed me inside. Once we were in the elevators, I pressed floor 13 and when I looked over, Kells was looking towards the ground with his eyes closed. Is he really scared of elevators? I put my hand on his arm to comfort him, but I really didn't know what else to do.

As we walked into my apartment, I heard noises, like someone was in there. I gave Kells a look and he looked at me, slightly worried "Do you live alone?" I nodded in response, and he held up a finger, telling me to wait there.

He turned the corner and when I couldn't see him anymore, I heard a girl scream, and I instantly knew who was in my apartment. "who the fuck are you?" they said in unison. I walked around the corner and saw Kat standing there, looking pissed. She looked even more pissed when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" I spoke before she got the chance to.

"Well I came over early this morning to see you before work but you weren't home, so I waited for you. I didn't know you were going to cheat on me and bring some dude home," she huffed at me. Kells jumped in before I got to respond

"Look lady, I don't know what you think is going on here, but Carter just had too much to drink so I drove her home," he tried to reason with her, but Kat was not having any of it.

"I wasn't talking to you," she glared at him, then at me "How could you do this to me? and with him?" she gave a disgusted look, and I could tell Kells wasn't sure if he should be offended, or if he should laugh.

"the guys should be here soon, can uhh, can I take a shower?" he looked at me. I nodded and pointed him to my room, while Kat continued to yell at me

"Kat, love I didn't sleep with Kells. We got drunk so I stayed the night, and I was too hung over to drive, so he offered to drive me home."

"You know what? I don't deserve your lies, we are done!" She screamed at me, and walked out, slamming the door. I stood there stunned, confused as to what just happened. 10 minutes later, Kells walked out of my room shirtless.

"Yo where's your girl? She calm down?" he looked around for a minute, then walked over and snapped in my face "Carter, you g?" he looked at me.

"Huh? Oh... she broke up with me. im not sure how to feel" I couldn't look at him, I just stared in front of me. He came up and hugged me, pulling me close to him. After a few minutes, he pulled back a little and walked me back into my room "What are you doing?"

"If she broke up with you because she thinks we fucked, then why not just fuck?" he shrugged and looked down at me

"Fuck it" I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him.


I got in the shower, and when I came into my room, I was surprised to see Kells still sitting on my bed "Aren't the guys coming to get you soon?"

"Nah, there's been a change of plans" when I didn't say anything back, he elaborated "Ima drive us both to the venue cuz I need you there early... get dressed, but keep my shirt, it looks good on you" he said as he stood up and walked out of my room. I looked on my bed and saw he picked out clothes for me already. His shirt, black ripped jeans and a pair of converse. I got dress, then tied the shirt so it fit me better before doing my makeup and walking out of my room. Kells was waiting on the couch. When he saw me, he smirked and stood up "You ready cupcake?"

I rolled my eyes and threw him my keys "You're driving since you know where to go pretty boy" I put my shoes on, then walked out of my apartment

At the venue

Kells led me inside, then yelled to his crew "Everyone listen up. This is carter. Her girlfriend just broke up with her and she's sad about it so we are gonna get her fucked up and make her have a good time alright?" he grabbed my hand and led me to the stage "I gotta do a sound check, then we smokin alright?"

After he was done, he grabbed my hand and led me to his dressing room. "Kells I gotta set my camera up" I whined, but he wasn't having it.

"nuh uh, you ain't working tonight you're gonna have fun" he said as he lit a blunt. He inhaled, then shotgunned the smoke into my mouth. After an hour of nonstop smoking, we were both high as fuck, and I couldn't stop laughing at the stupid shit he was doing.

Once the show was about to start, Kells got his ear piece on, and had me get one too. He showed me how to work it, then led me to the side of the stage "If you need anything, press this and say my name, then whatever you want to tell me and ill hear you" he flashed a smile at me, then walked back to his dressing room. I didn't know what to do, so I just walked around backstage until someone in my earpiece called curtain, and I walked back to the side stage to watch the show. 

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