56) This Is Real

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  "Well, look what we have here," A deep voice rang.

"What the h3ll?" I grumbled, "Wasn't someone supposed to be keeping watch?"

  I glanced lazily at the rouge "pack" standing before us.

  "I thought they were just passing through," Rose shrugged.

  I rolled my eyes.

  "What?" She held her hands up defensively, "I forget werewolf wonderers are so much more salty than vampires," her nose scrunched up in distaste.

I snorted, "It's fine, we're getting up anyway." I forced myself up and out of Wolfie's comfortable arms and dusted myself off.

"What do y'all think you're doing in these woods? this is our territory," the rouge "pack's" leader growled.

Little do they know it's actually the hybrids' territory and these little rouges just aren't big enough game for them to bother.

Maybe if they were really hungry or extremely bored they'd go after a little "pack" of rouges.

I kicked Wolfie's side lightly, avoiding any wounds, "Hey, some of your buddies wanna talk to you."

He grunted. "First of all, I stay up and comfort you all night, and this is how you repay me?" he narrowed his eyes, "Second of all, just because they're werewolves doesn't make them my buddies."

"Fine, but tell them to go away," I waved my hand at them.

"Why me?" He frowned.

"Because you have this really neat ability to make people not wanna be around you," I smiled.

He glared at me, "Why are you so snippy this morning?"

I sighed, "I'm trying to make up for when I poured my heart out to you again last night, so consider it revenge for putting me in a position that makes me not want to like you."

  "Anyway," I looked to the group of about ten rouges, done with that conversation, "Sorry about the misunderstanding guys, we'll just be on our way." I walked a few steps trying to leave the area. A hand on my shoulder cut me short, though.

  A low growl could be heard from, guess who, behind me, but I ignored it. It caught the rouge with their hand on me's attention, probably shook him up a bit with the power behind it, but he tried to play it off.

  "Listen, we don't want any trouble —" Stephan started.

  "Well you've got it," the rouge stared him down. "If we let just anyone into our territory, uninvited, who's to say what scum would come in?" He said, looking us all up and down.

  They started to form a circle around us.

  Happy sighed. "Can we please just talk about this? No need to be hasty."

  "The talking's over," A different rouge sneered. "It's time to show you what happens to intruders around here," a wicked smile formed on her face.

  The rouges circling us chuckled menacingly.

  "C'mon guys, please. Us, against all of you? It isn't a fair fight," I tried one last time to keep peace.

  "No can do sweetheart," Another shook his head.

  Then they attacked.

  And we beat them within a few minutes.

  Because they're a bunch of rouges, and we're a bunch of pure bloods and alphas.

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