75) The Sequel

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  Abaddon stared at the man he ordered to shoot me mere seconds ago that's now lying dead on the ground.

  He no doubt noticed the obvious signature of the blackened skin and instant death for most.

  Others weren't so lucky as to get struck somewhere near the heart or brain, and so they writhed on the ground as the poison rushed through their veins, tearing apart nearly everything it touches until it reaches those precious organs.

  I could tell the moment he recognized it.

  For a split second his face showed the fear that fills all of us when we think of these things.

  But it hardened and shot up to meet my slightly panicked gaze.

  "Hybrids," he growled.

  I nodded.

  This is the f*cking Blood War all over again.

The Blood War: The sequel!

. . . : The second one.

. . . : Continued.

. . . : Part two.

Okay, I'm done.

•••Jason's POV•••

I watched with a slack jaw as Abaddon's warriors completely lost interest in us or Maria and fired blindly into the woods at whoever just attacked them from behind.

"What the f*ck just happened!" Zach yelled, wide eyed.

I looked at my parents, hoping they wouldn't say what I thought they were going to.

"It's them," they said simultaneously, both glaring darkly.

So darkly, I don't think I've seen my mother with such an expression since she looked the man who killed my brother in the eye before she ended him.

No. Not man.



They're practically interchangeable at this point, though.

  Abaddon hopped out of the tank and stared into the woods like the rest of us.

  Clearly no one was expecting anything like this to happen. Both sides need a second to recuperate.

  After a few moments, he swiftly turned toward my Maria and started marching toward her.

  My muscles tightened as I had the urge to jump in front of her before he got to her.

  Before I could act on any of my instincts, Abaddon abruptly stopped right in front of her, said something I couldn't make out and, stuck his hand out to her, like he was expecting her to shake it.

  I frowned.

  Who in their right mind would shake this guy's hand after he just stormed our territory? Does he really expect her to —

  Maria grabbed it and gave it a firm shake with a crisp nod.

  "What just happened?" Zach voiced my thoughts.

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