74) I'm Yelling Timber

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  It wasn't long before we got warriors in defensive positions and everyone else at least on their way to somewhere safe.

  We were ready right as the sound of the all-terrain vehicles and running footsteps were nearly deafening with how close they were.

  For a second I was confused as to how we could have possibly missed these sounds for so long, but then I remembered we had heavy machinery of our own transporting goods around.

  It's a good thing we smelled them before they were right on top of us. If not, we would have been in real trouble.

  But we noticed right in time, and now if Abaddon attacks we'll have a better chance.

  Not as good of a chance as if we actually had a complete arsenal at our disposal, but back up will be here soon.

  I hope.

  I watched the fortified all-terrain vehicles with big guns on them, along with the runners, come out of the forest.

   The runners also strapped to the teeth with weapons.


  Never mind then, there are about. . .

  I picked my finger up to count how many warriors our opponent brought with them.

  Hmmm, one, two, threee, ummm, five bazillion? K.


  Stalling until backup gets here it is.

  "I'm gonna go out there and distract him until backup arrives," I informed everyone, already headed for the door.

  "How do you know they won't just blow you up?" Happy frowned.

  "Trust me. Old Abby loves to talk about himself. Once I get him talking, he won't shut the h3ll up until well past backup has arrived."

  "I hope," I tacked on.

  "You're gonna stake your life on a hope," Wolfie glared at me. Clearly not fond of my idea.

  "What else am I supposed to stake my life on?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

  "Facts?" Wolfie shot back like it was obvious.

  Says the one that staked his whole pack on false promise and flashy possibilities and got us into this whole mess.


  Oop, that sounded bitter. We'll unpack that later.

  "Nah," I waved him off.

"If anyone calls from my house, or things go to sh*t, update them on the situation here," I told them as a last minute thought as I left.

  I have enough experience with Abaddon to know he'd rather shove whatever advantage he thinks he has in my face than blow my head off.

  He's classy like that.

And we'll have to go with that as facts for now.

  I made my way out the front door and approached the biggest tank looking thing, knowing that's where he'd be.

(A/N: lol, I told myself I was going on a run 30 min ago, but then I got distracted with writing this. But I'm determined to go now! So Ik y'all won't know the difference, but I'll be back in a bit:))

  I stepped in front of it and crossed my arms with a bored look while I waited.

  (A/N: I'm back:) hello again.)

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