67) That Was Uncomfortable

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••• Jason's POV •••

  Okay, they look way less surprised than I was expecting.

They're obviously pissed.

But not surprised.

'Should we be insulted?'

Maybe if they weren't right.

  Ki huffed like a child and retreated to the back of my mind under my parents stare.

  "I knew something like this was gonna happen," my father glared at my mother.

  If I was in wolf form my ears would have flattened in guilt and embarrassment.

  I knew he didn't have faith in me.

  But I guess he was right.

  "Love, calm down. Everyone makes mistakes when they first start," Mom tried to calm him with a hand on his chest. "This was a big one, but he'll make it right," she looked to me with stern eyes.

  I went to nod but our attention was drawn back to my father.

  "No, I told you he wasn't ready," he growled.

  . . . He's right. . . I wasn't ready.

  "Dear, we can talk about this later," Mom snipped at him, "Right now we have to guide our son and our pack through this."

  She looked back at me, and I tried to harden my features to look strong for her.

  My father scoffed. "This never would have happened with —"

  My heart stopped.

  "Don't you dare finish that sentence, Richard!"

My father was about to argue back but I stopped them. "No. . . He's right."

I looked down because I couldn't bare my parents' disappointed faces anymore. "If Dillan was alpha this never would've happened."

"Wolfie," I heard Maria whisper from behind me.

Ha, forgot she was here...

  I assume she was trying to be encouraging.

But I don't think she's ever gonna drop that d@mn nickname.

  Everyone stayed quiet until Mom spoke, "Son —"

  "It's alright. Dad's right, as always."

  "It should have been me," I mumbled as I tore open the door and left.

  "Jason!" I heard Maria call after me, but I can't go back to her. Back to them.

  I'm such a f*cking disappointment.

*** Maria's POV ***

I turned to go after him but his mom called me back. "Maria, let him cool down."

"But —"

He always goes after me.

"Dear, we have things to discuss," she reminded me sadly.

. . . Goddess, I hate this.

"You're right," I breathed out slowly as I sat down in one of the chairs. My stomach stung at the pain, but I pushed it away.

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